Descubra Nikkei

Thomas Tsutsumoto


Thomas Tsutsumoto tem raízes em Seattle, mas atualmente mora em Honolulu, no Havaí. Ele trabalha em Assuntos Estudantis na Universidade do Havaí em Mānoa. Seu outro foco é aprimorar suas técnicas de bodyboard e fotografia natural.

Atualizado em janeiro de 2010

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Practicing Karate in Japan
Practicing Karate in Japan

25 de Janeiro de 2010 • Thomas Tsutsumoto

Japanese martial arts such as judo and kendo have a strong presence in the Japanese American community. As a youngster, my dad took me to my first karate practice when I was 11-years-old. During my years of training, I engaged karate in a very traditional, yet non-commercial way. At the request of my sensei, I took a trip to Japan in 1989, immersing myself in an intense, week-long karate “boot camp” that was held in Shinshu. This training was called …

Thumbnail for Finding and Preparing The Elusive Matsutake Mushroom
Finding and Preparing The Elusive Matsutake Mushroom

18 de Abril de 2008 • Thomas Tsutsumoto

A rare, sunny, mildly humid Northwest Labor Day weekend in 2004 arrived shortly after four consecutive days of rain. This was the signal for my father to embark on one of his favorite pastimes—finding the awesome, tasty matsutake mushroom, a small treasure of the Pacific Northwest that is increasingly difficult to find these days. From his younger days, he learned the secret spots to hit. Although his knee problems made walking quite painful for him, nothing would keep this very …

Thumbnail for A Tribute to Japanese Heritage in Hawai'i: Hokule'a's Voyage to Japan
A Tribute to Japanese Heritage in Hawai'i: Hokule'a's Voyage to Japan

14 de Fevereiro de 2008 • Thomas Tsutsumoto

As a volunteer for the Polynesian Voyaging Society, I would like to share info on the timeless Hokule'a Voyage to Japan and its significance to Nikkei concerns. I was not on this voyage, but since the crew has returned, Hana Hou-the magazine of Hawaiian Airlines, and the Polynesian Voyaging Society's website has featured articles and info on Ku Holo La Komohana: The Hokule'a voyage to Japan and the mastermind behind this journey-Mr. Nainoa Thompson. The 2007 Hokule'a Voyage to Japan …

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