Descubra Nikkei

Sigrid Hudson


Sigrid Hudson é bibliotecária infantil em uma biblioteca pública na área de Los Angeles. Ela também é redatora online e voluntária em programas públicos do Museu Nacional Japonês Americano (JANM). Nascida e criada em Orange County, Califórnia, ela atualmente mora em Los Angeles. Como estudante de graduação em jornalismo, Sigrid interessou-se pela Primeira Emenda e outros direitos civis. Ela está particularmente impressionada com a forma como o JANM desempenha a sua missão na comunidade de Los Angeles (e internacional) – incluindo o projecto online Descubra Nikkei – e está feliz por poder contribuir.

Atualizado em junho de 2009

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for The Legacy of “Farewell to Manzanar”
Loja on-line do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
The Legacy of “Farewell to Manzanar”

26 de Julho de 2010 • Sigrid Hudson

“We never mentioned camp.”For nearly twenty-five years after the end of World War II, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston—and many other Japanese Americans imprisoned in concentration camps during the war—never spoke to others about her experiences as a child behind barbed wire at Manzanar. “We never mentioned camp,” she says, “It was so it was a bad dream or that there was some shame involved with it. So you just don’t refer to it.” During those years, many things changed in …

Thumbnail for A Place Where Sunflowers Grow: A Granddaughter’s Tribute to Artist Hisako Hibi
A Place Where Sunflowers Grow: A Granddaughter’s Tribute to Artist Hisako Hibi

20 de Julho de 2007 • Sigrid Hudson

As the granddaughter of prominent Japanese American painter Hisako Hibi, Amy Lee-Tai was exposed to art at an early age—and it was through her grandmother’s paintings that Amy first learned of the Japanese American incarceration during World War II. Amy’s first book, A Place Where Sunflowers Grow, was inspired by her family’s internment experiences and the art schools that gave internees moments of solace and expression. Like the character Mari in the book, Amy’s mother’s family had an artist mother …

Thumbnail for The Art of Gaman: Enduring the Seemingly Unbearable with Patience and Dignity
Loja on-line do Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano
The Art of Gaman: Enduring the Seemingly Unbearable with Patience and Dignity

1 de Dezembro de 2006 • Sigrid Hudson

Looking through the pages of Delphine Hirasuna’s The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps 1942-1946, one is struck by the beauty and craftsmanship of the selected pieces. However, it is more than just the aesthetic quality that shines through. It is the amazing resourcefulness and resiliency of these individuals who, out of necessity and the first idle time of their lives, created objects both utilitarian and decorative. Although most often translated as “perseverance,” Hirasuna …

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