Descubra Nikkei

Losing his sister in camp

She got leukemia, a form of leukemia that uh she had to be hospitalized. And it took her a long time for her to die.

The hospital was outside of the camp proper, and uh where you had to go through a fence and guards to get... go to camp. So you couldn't visit. My mother was always there as I recall.  And my father was there quite often.  So we were left alone, most of the time. And it affected not me more than my younger sister because she never had a mother, you know. So, she blamed it on her sister for...being as a kid that is thinking terms of the jealousy factor, as competition.

But anyways she was um in hospital for a while. There's two things that they reckoned with prolonged her death was that uh she had a blood transfusion there. Just about everybody in that block gave blood, you know. And then the church was praying for her. That was the story I got. So father told them, and mother said, I don't think...I think she's suffering too much so don't pray.

Well my mother never recovered. I'm sure she didn't. My father was um he was a real tough guy. In the sense that he knew what situation he was in. He never really showed this, saw this. He retained his dignity and his strength to not fall apart. And he kept saying now we must go on and all this kind of... You know, it was ganbatte. You know, he was really not um sort of you know in a state that he couldn't reorganize, keep the family together.  He kept it together.  I know it, I know I, he...he was quite upset...quite angry but it never showed  He had to go along with the Japanese tradition. He had to be Nihonjin and not go into... you know fall apart.

So that was what... and then when my sister and broth..died... sister died she was cremated.  And then I understand a lot of them were buried too, right. But this is sister told me this the other day they were buried in a junkyard. You know?  And uh in unmarked graves, you know, which they used to do in Germany, you know, with... with the victims, you know.

Califórnia campos de concentração famílias campo de concentração Tule Lake Estados Unidos da América Segunda Guerra Mundial Campos de concentração da Segunda Guerra Mundial

Data: June 29, 2012

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Chris Komai, John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Jimmy Murakami (1933 - 2014) foi inspirado quando criança a se tornar um animador de filmes ao assistir os desenhos animados da Disney que eram exibidos aos nipo-americanos confinados no campo de concentração Tule Lake, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Depois de frequentar o Chouinard Art Institute em Los Angeles, trabalhou como animador para a UPA. Mais tarde, fundou a Murakami Wolf - uma empresa que produzia muitos comerciais conhecidos nos anos 60 e 70 - e tornou-se diretor de filme de longa metragem de When the Wind Blows e The Snowman. Depois de estabelecer residência na Irlanda nos últimos anos, faleceu em fevereiro de 2014 aos 80 anos.

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(n. 1915) Florista Nissei que se fixou em Nova York depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Integrante ativo do movimento sobre direitos civis dos Nipo-Americanos

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(n. 1915) Florista Nissei que se fixou em Nova York depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Integrante ativo do movimento sobre direitos civis dos Nipo-Americanos

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(n. 1915) Florista Nissei que se fixou em Nova York depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Integrante ativo do movimento sobre direitos civis dos Nipo-Americanos

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(n. 1934) Escritora


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