Descubra Nikkei

The differences in attitude of pre-war and post war in terms of the President Fujimori presidency (Japanese)

(Japanese) Me, too! I never thought Mr. Fujimori would have been chosen the President by the people of Peru, yes… He was an unexpectedly good politician his first term. The state powers of Peru, the crazy inflation, he really was the hero who saved us from it. He also went to extremes to end terrorism, to eradicate terrorism. Both measures became a large display of strength for him as the President. As the renowned President, his first term really was worthy of praise. It means that the Nikkei people had fortunately been mistaken.

But, during the second and third terms, in a pattern similar to other Peruvian politicians, various problems of corruption arose. Even if President Fujimori wasn’t directly involved, there’s something called supervisory responsibility that he should have assumed as the President. Well, we know what happened next and it lead up to a rather tragic ending. But, at the time, the Nikkei people thought that what they most feared had finally occurred. In contrast to what happened before the war, Peruvian society had either matured or they had seen through the character called President Fujimori; which one it is, I’m not sure. Rather than Fujimori as representative of the Japanese, it was more like there was an individual who happened to be of Japanese descent and who came from the Nikkei community. Even though Mr. Fujimori met that kind of an end, the credibility of the Nikkei community in Peru didn’t change and Japanese bashing didn’t occur even once. This is worth mentioning, I think. Yes. I’m very relieved of that, yes. I don’t think I saw that one coming.

Alberto Fujimori comunidades governos Peru política

Data: May 7, 2007

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Nascido em 1948, natural de Tóquio. Ele se formou no Departamento de Educação da Universidade Waseda. Anos depois, ele se mudou para Lima, no Peru. Enquanto aprendia espanhol, ele ajudou no trabalho do avô, Yoshitaro Amano, que fundou e chefiou o Museu Amano. Mais tarde, Sakane se casou com uma peruana nikkei nisei. Atualmente, na sua posição como pesquisador cultural peruano, expert em coleções de vasos e materiais têxteis, e diretor executivo do Museu Amano, ele conduz trabalhos de excavação e é responsável pelo gerenciamento do museu. Como um “cidadão diplomata” peruano, ele lida com funcionários do governo, homens de negócio, e ainda ajuda a organizar as coberturas da mídia e programas de televisão. Todos os anos ele visita várias vezes o Japão, onde faz palestras e modera bancadas de debate, e se mantém ativo em várias áreas de trabalho. (Maio de 2007)


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