BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230909T000000Z DTEND:20230909T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=" amp\;txobjid=242203be-521d-4329-a687-dfb1d97eb624">TICKETS</a>\n\nFREE for Members\n\nAll JANM Members are invited to an exclusive conversation and pre-event book signing with Edgar Award–winning author <strong>Naomi Hi rahara</strong> prior to the public program about her latest book\, <a h ref="" target="_blank"><em>Evergre en</em></a>.\n\n<em>Members who attend will also receive early access to s eating for the 2 p.m. JANM Book Club event. You must RSVP separately for t hat program.  <a href=" lub-evergreen-naomi-hirahara">RSVP NOW</a></em>\nNAOMI HIRAHARA\n<strong>N aomi Hirahara</strong> is an Edgar Award–winning author of multiple tra ditional mystery series and noir short stories. Her Mas Arai mysteries\, w hich have been published in Japanese\, Korean\, and French\, feature a Los Angeles gardener and Hiroshima survivor who solves crimes. The seventh an d final Mas Arai mystery is <em>Hiroshima Boy</em>\, which was nominated for an Edgar Award for best paperback original. Her first historical myste ry is <em>Clark and Division</em>\, which follows a Japanese American fam ily’s move to Chicago in 1944 after being released from a California war time detention center. Her second Leilani Santiago Hawai‘i mystery\, <e m>An Eternal Lei</em>\, was released in March 2022. Her newest book\, <em >Evergreen</em>\,<em> </em>tells the story of a Japanese American nurse ’s aide who navigates the dangers of post–World War II and post-Manzan ar life as she attempts to find justice for a broken family. A former jou rnalist with <em>The Rafu Shimpo</em> newspaper\, Naomi has also written numerous nonfiction history books and curated exhibitions. She has also w ritten a middle-grade novel\, <em>1001 Cranes</em>.\n DTSTAMP:20240604T083018Z SUMMARY:Members Only Meet-and-Greet with Naomi Hirahara URL:/en/events/2023/09/09/members-only-meet-and-greet-with-naomi-hirahara/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR