BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210109T000000Z DTEND:20210109T000000Z DESCRIPTION:All members are invited to a conversation with author&nbsp\;<st rong>Shirley Ann Higuchi</strong>\, filmmaker and television anchor&nbsp\; <strong>David Ono</strong>\, and actress&nbsp\;<strong>Tamlyn Tomita</stro ng>&nbsp\;during this digital Members Only Meet-and-Greet. Higuchi is the author of the new book&nbsp\;<em>Setsuko&rsquo\;s Secret: Heart Mountain a nd the Legacy of the Japanese American Incarceration</em>&nbsp\;that explo res the Japanese American experience through personal and collective histo ries. Members will have a chance to ask Higuchi\, Ono\, and Tomita about t heir own stories and reflections on the book.\n\nThis program is FREE for all members\, but RSVPs are required in advance at the link below\, by ema il to\, or phone at 213.830.5646. Space is limited!\ n\n<strong><a href=" &amp\;txobjid=b579ceb5-4c1b-417c-a952-490f87c06df6" target="_blank">RSVP N OW</a></strong>\n\nNot a current member?&nbsp\;<a href="https://9644p.blac" target="_blank">Join or renew today!</a>\n\nJoin us for the book discussion after the meet-and-greet at 2:00 pm (PST):&nbsp\;<strong>Sparking Stories: Author Discussion with Shir ley Ann Higuchi and Tamlyn Tomita</strong> DTSTAMP:20240608T210613Z SUMMARY:Members Only Meet-and-Greet with Shirley Ann Higuchi\, Tamlyn Tomit a\, and David Ono URL:/en/events/2021/01/09/members-only-meet-and-greet-with-shirley-ann-higu c/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR