BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180225T000000Z DTEND:20180225T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nihonmachi Little Friends (NLF)\, a community based Japanese bi lingual and multicultural non-profit childcare organization\, is presentin g their annual theater production and auction\, &ldquo\;Dowa no Omatsuri: A Festival of Children&rsquo\;s Stories&rdquo\; on <strong>Sunday\, Februa ry 25\, 2018.</strong> The event takes place at the Palace of Fine Arts Th eater\, 3301 Lyon Street in San Francisco.\n\nWell-known community persona lities <strong>Ms. June-ko Nakagawa</strong> and <strong>Mr. Benh Nakajo</ strong> are serving as co-hosts for the program. The show features <strong >GenRyu Arts</strong> and the students of NLF. The preschoolers&rsquo\; pe rformances of &ldquo\;Ookina Kabu&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;L.O.V.E.&rdquo\; wil l showcase the creativity of the children and teachers. The elementary sch ool-age children of the After School Program are staging &ldquo\;America&r squo\;s Street Performers\,&rdquo\; a make-believe reality t.v. show. The silent auction begins at 12pm in the lobby preceding the 1:30pm theater sh ow\, with live entertainment provided by <strong>&ldquo\;The JoRoBoMoLo Br others\,</strong>&rdquo\; a local group who combine Bluegrass\, Americana\ , folk\, and rock to celebrate the musical diversity of their backgrounds. A raffle and refreshments in the lobby will follow the theater performanc e.\n\nNLF has been providing quality childcare\, educational programs and services for preschoolers through elementary school-age children and their families since 1975. Full and part day schedules are offered to over 200 children annually with a Japanese bilingual and multicultural emphasis. Th rough government subsidies and sliding fee scales\, affordable services ar e available to all families. The construction of the preschool building ad dition to its historic Issei Women&rsquo\;s Building at 1830 Sutter Street was completed in May of 2017\, and on-going fundraising is continuing thr ough its Plant a Seed Capital Campaign. More information can be found on N LF&rsquo\;s website at <a href="" target="_blan k"></a>.\n\nTickets to the event are $30 in advance\, (2 or more are $25 each)\, or $40 at the door for adults. Youth 5 to 17 ye ars are $10\; and children four years and under are free. Proceeds from th is fundraiser will benefit the programs and operations of NLF. For more in formation on the event\, contact NLF at (415) 922-8898 or email at <a href =""></a>. DTSTAMP:20240612T025404Z SUMMARY:Dowa no Omatsuri: A Festival of Children's Stories URL:/en/events/2018/02/25/dowa-no-omatsuri-a-festival-of-childrens-stories/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR