BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170128T000000Z DTEND:20170128T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Open to the general public\n\n<ul><li>Presentation of Fred T. K orematsu story in a showing of the Emmy Award-winning documentary and rema rks by Karen Korematsu\, daughter of Fred Korematsu\n</li><li>Panel discus sion &nbsp\;on the modern day impact of Fred Korematsu's life-long fight t o defend the Constitutional rights of all U.S. citizens\, regardless of na tional origin or ancestry\, including: Keynote speaker: &nbsp\;Dale Minami \, leading civil rights attorney who represented Fred Korematsu in the 198 3 case that set aside his conviction\; Zahra Billoo\, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)\; Jay Boyarsky\, Chief Assistant District Attorne y for Santa Clara County\; Richard Konda\, Executive Director of Asian Law Alliance\; Hon. Drew Takaichi\, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge. Moderator: &nbsp\;Roberta Hayashi\, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judg e</li></ul>\n\nOpen to the public\, with special interest for lawyers\, te achers and students focused on law\, history and government.\n\n<strong>RS VP to <a href=""></a>. Registration clo ses on January 20\, 2017. &nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong>\n\n********************* *****************************\n\nSponsored by\nAsian Law Alliance \nFred T . Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights and Education \nJapanese American M useum of San Jose \nSanta Clara County Superior Court Community Outreach DTSTAMP:20240603T004218Z SUMMARY:Afternoon program on Fred T. Korematsu URL:/en/events/2017/01/28/afternoon-program-on-fred-t-korematsu/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR