BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141121T000000Z DTEND:20141121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Experience Japan&rsquo\;s traditional kabuki dance with rising- star <em>nihon buyo</em> dancer <strong>Hanayagi Genkuro</strong> . In th is workshop\, participants will learn a variety of typical character move ments (including male\, female and animal roles) using fans and <em>tenug ui </em> towels as props. <em>Max 15 participants. Some movement-based pr ofessional performance experience required. Participants must wear socks and activewear (no jeans). </em>\n<strong>Tickets</strong> : $54/$48 Japan Society members&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; \n \n Observer tickets may be availa ble for workshops after participant tickets have sold out.\n \n Purchase t ickets both the Shamisen and Nihon Buyo Workshops and save $6 (available for general and member-priced tickets). Discount is only available by vis iting or calling the box office at (212) 715-1258 or by downloading the < a href=" nts/PA2014-2015OrderForm_2.pdf">Ticket Order Form</a> . DTSTAMP:20240611T201156Z SUMMARY:Nihon Buyo Workshop with Hanayagi Genkuro URL:/en/events/2014/11/21/nihon-buyo-workshop-with-hanayagi-genkuro/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR