BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141129T000000Z DTEND:20141129T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-size: 16.0pt\; font-family: Arial \, sans-ser if\; color: #5e0069\;"><span style="font-size: 16.0pt\; line-height: 115.0 %\; font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\; color: #5e0069\;"><span style="font -family: Arial \, sans-serif\;">\n<p style="font-family: Arial \, Helvetic a \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text-align: justify\; font-style: normal\ ; font-weight: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px\; line-height: normal\;"><span s tyle="font-size: 12.0pt\;">Join us at the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin for the Japanese American Museum of San Jose's (JAMsj) official launch of <em>San Jose Japantown: A Journey. </em> Fifteen years in the making\, t his definitive book includes more than 400 full-color pages of research\, personal anecdotes taken from more than 120 interviews\, and more than 5 00 hundred photos. The authors share the unique and colorful history of S an Jose Japantown from the 1880s through 2010.&nbsp\;\n\n<p style="font-f amily: Arial \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text-align: justi fy\; font-style: normal\; font-weight: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px\; line-h eight: normal\;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\;">For this important deb ut\, we are proud to have Mike Inouye as emcee and guest speaker Judge Pa ul Bernal (official historian for San Jose). The authors Curt Fukuda and Ralph Pearce will be available to talk about the extensive process of bri nging this book to completion and to sign your copy of the book. \n\n<p s tyle="font-family: Arial \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text- align: left\; font-style: normal\; font-weight: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px \; line-height: normal\;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\;">Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the book-launch event. If you hav e already pre-ordered your copy\, we anticipate delivery and distribution the first week of November. If you have not ordered a copy\, you can go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> \, fill out th e order form\, and mail it in. A copy of the book is now on display at th e JAMsj museum store. \n\n<p style="font-family: Arial \, Helvetica \, san s-serif\; color: black\; text-align: left\; font-style: normal\; font-weig ht: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px\; line-height: normal\;"><span style="font- size: 12.0pt\;">Stop by and feel free to peruse the stories and photos th at define San Jose Japantown's rich history.\n\n<p style="font-family: Ari al \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text-align: left\; font-sty le: normal\; font-weight: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px\; line-height: normal \;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\;">This is a community event so bring your family and friends to enjoy reminiscing about our Japanese American heritage while enjoying refreshments. \n\n<p style="font-family: Arial \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text-align: left\; font-style: n ormal\; font-weight: normal\; margin-top: 0.0px\; line-height: normal\;">< span style="font-size: 12.0pt\;">In conjunction with this event\, JAMsj wi ll have a special exhibit highlighting moments in history covered in the b ook. \n\n<p style="font-family: Arial \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; color: black\; text-align: left\; font-style: normal\; font-weight: normal\; marg in-top: 0.0px\; line-height: normal\;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; co lor: #222222\; background: none repeat scroll 0.0% 0.0% white\;">Visit <a style="color: #0000ff\; text-decoration: underline\;" href="https://3c-lxa .jsp%3Ff%3D0013rWrGZbM_EN6t7horMQ0Bm7Wplk0NOPmq7ShB98x3vFfZD-rSJVfEJG-kBf3 lguTb0Y7Ceszx5JEp1s5ap-c-mqGaUOR-nsu33FNuQq0FeaoU_sQvT7QkjbEXMcqrmvY8i-0H5 hTmcxGWGV8_lw_n8NXPECvzKmC53eiWcRUcL997Ftp53UtOHne5uWziQcxrt8z6PKRyV9jh5fP 4G7BBI8a7VtcwVE9EtUOsBGsQZWXi1K_Gg-ROQHknnBmOzjvESXIZrf1c6Cwd8RjLz70Wg%3D% 3D%26c%3DLEYqNRNY6klONfMJ8Grtp-jnpW89iQrgD7OMYFOJ70tmpP54m7O2Fw%3D%3D%26ch %3Ddxw3e7K5fFdfQr0pNld561pV3mKvoRrfmyE_KTe36EqxFLdtYs_wWQ%3D%3D" target="_ blank"></a> for more details as we get closer to the event da y.\n<span style="font-family: Arial \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\;">There is no cost for this event.&nbsp\; \n DTSTAMP:20240610T235353Z SUMMARY:Historic S.J. Japantown Book Launch URL:/en/events/2014/11/29/historic-sj-japantown-book-launch/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR