BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141019T000000Z DTEND:20141019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:With a wide range of Japanese food\, arts\, crafts\, services\, and performance\, there is plenty to do and see for everyone!\n\nBring yo ur family and friends and explore this extraordinary cultural event all da y long. We are sure you will have a GREAT time with a lot of fun and excit ement at the Japan Block Fair!\n\nFOOD\nThe wide range of Japanese food is one fun part of the fair. From authentic noodles and curry to neo-Japanes e cuisine and delicious sweets\,we offer a large selection of delicious an d healthy Japanese food at reasonable prices!\n\nPRODUCTS\nJust stroll aro und and take your time to browse through a variety of Japanese merchandise \, arts\, crafts\, and more. Hard-to-find handmade jewelry and traditional Japanese wraps are some of the items showcased &mdash\; enjoy the treasur e hunt of a lifetime!\n\nPERFORMANCE\nCome join us for an energetic stage live performance! Japanese cosplay (costume play) performances\, tradition al dance\, Japanese rock band\,&nbsp\; Drums\, samurai performances&hellip \; there is something for everyone. Best of all &mdash\; it&rsquo\;s all F REE!\n\nFor more information\, <a href=" ">v isit this page</a>. DTSTAMP:20240603T054803Z SUMMARY:Japan Block Fair URL:/en/events/2014/10/19/japan-block-fair/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR