BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140427T000000Z DTEND:20140427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Brightly dyed carp streamers will soon be fluttering above hous es in Japan and many Japanese American homes during the celebration of&nbs p\;Kodomo No Hi\, otherwise known as Childlren&rsquo\;s Day. In keeping wi th this tradition\,<em>&nbsp\;koi</em>&nbsp\;streamers will be hung along Fifth Street\, leading you to JAMsj during the&nbsp\;<em>Nikkei Matsuri Fe stival</em>.<em>&nbsp\; Kodomo No Hi</em>&nbsp\;is a nationally observed h oliday in Japan\, traditionally celebrated on May 5.\n\nJAMsj will be cele brating&nbsp\;Kodomo No Hi&nbsp\;with various craft-making workshops. Chil dren can learn how to make&nbsp\;<em>kabuto</em>&nbsp\;(samurai helmets)\, &nbsp\;<em>koinobori</em>&nbsp\;(carp streamers)\, and other crafts at thi s popular event. We'll also raffle off a special JAMsj gift basket.&nbsp\; \n\n<em>Cost: Event is free with admission to the museum (nonmembers\, $5\ ; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free).&nbsp\; An additional materials fee may apply.&nbsp\;</em>\n\n For more information\, please email or call the J AMsj office at (408) 294-3138.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240611T200217Z SUMMARY:Kodomo No Hi - Children's Day URL:/en/events/2014/04/27/kodomo-no-hi-childrens-day/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR