BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130208T000000Z DTEND:20130208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Summary:</strong>\n<em>Has the recent interest in trans pacific migration studies reconfigured the dominant paradigm of critical e thnic and race studies in North and Latin America\, which is largely deriv ed from histories of transatlantic migration? How does the history of Fili pino and Chinese migration to Mexico\, or Korean migration to the U.S. and Canada\, along with the emergence of mixed-race identities and affiliatio ns in those countries from intermarriage with local indigenous or settler populations\, influence perceptions of race and mixed race heritage?</em>\ n<strong>Description:</strong>\nConference Convenors:&nbsp\;<strong>Duncan Williams\,</strong>&nbsp\;<strong>Brian C. Bernards</strong>\, and&nbsp\; <strong>Velina Hasu Houston</strong>\, USC\n<strong>\n</strong><strong>\nP RESENTERS - MORNING SESSION (10:00 AM)\n</strong>\n\n&ldquo\;Filipino-Mexi can Relations\, Mestizaje\, and Identity in Colonial and Contemporary Mexi co&rdquo\;<strong>\nRudy P. Guevarra\, Jr.</strong>&nbsp\;(Arizona State U niversity)\nAssistant Professor of Asian Pacific American Studies\; author of&nbsp\;<em>Becoming Mexipino: Multiethnic Identities and Communities in San Diego&nbsp\;</em>(Rutgers University Press\, 2012)\n\n&ldquo\;Unruly Identities in the Hispanic Pacific&rdquo\;\n<strong>Jason Chang</strong>&n bsp\;(University of Connecticut)\nAssistant Professor of History and Asian American Studies\; author of forthcoming book\,&nbsp\;<em>Asians and the Making of the Mexican Mestizo</em>\n\nRespondent:&nbsp\;<strong>Robert Cha o Romero</strong>&nbsp\;(UCLA)\nAssistant Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies\; author of The Chinese in Mexico\, 1882-1940 (University of Ariz ona Press\, 2010) and &ldquo\;El Destierro de los Chinos&rdquo\;: Popular Perspectives of Chinese-Mexican Interracial Marriage in the Early Twentiet h Century\,&rdquo\; In&nbsp\;<em>The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan\, 1970-2010</em>)\n\n<strong>PRESENTERS - AFTERNOON SESSION (1:3 0 PM)\n</strong>\n&ldquo\;Erasing Race and Sex: Adoption of Stateless GI b abies in Early Cold War America&rdquo\;<strong>\nBongsoo Park</strong>&nbs p\;(Independent scholar)\nPh.D. U-Minnesota\,&nbsp\;<em>Intimate Encounter s\, Racial Frontiers: The Stateless GI Babies in South Korea and the Unite d States\, 1953-1965</em>&nbsp\;(2010)\n\n&ldquo\;Seeing Race: Korean 'GI Babies' and Legacies of U.S. Neocolonial Care&rdquo\;\n<strong>Susie Woo</ strong>&nbsp\;(USC)\nACLS New Faculty Fellow in American Studies and Ethni city\; Ph.D. Yale University\,&nbsp\;<em>A New American Comes Home&rdquo\; : Race\, Nation\, and the Immigration of Korean War Adoptees\, &ldquo\;GI Babies\,&rdquo\; and Brides&nbsp\;</em>(2010)\n\nRespondent:&nbsp\;<strong >Lily Anne Yumi Welty</strong>&nbsp\;(UCLA)\nIAC Postdoctoral Fellow\, Asi an American Studies Center\; Ph.D. UCSB\,&nbsp\;<em>Advantage Not Crisis: Multiracial American Japanese in Post-World War II Japan and U.S. 1945-197 2</em>&nbsp\;(2012)\n\n<strong>Please e-mail Kana Yoshida at&nbsp\;<a href =""></a>&nbsp\;to registe r\, and if you would like to receive advanced copies of presenter papers f or this seminar (highly encouraged!).\n</strong>\nPresented by the Center for Japanese Religions and Culture's&nbsp\;<strong>"Critical Mixed-Race St udies: A Transpacific Approach"&nbsp\;</strong>Andrew W. Mellon Foundation John E. Sawyer Seminars Series&nbsp\;at the University of Southern Califo rnia. DTSTAMP:20240604T103158Z SUMMARY:CRITICAL MIXED-RACE STUDIES: A TRANSPACIFIC APPROACH URL:/en/events/2013/02/08/critical-mixed-race-studies-a-transpacific-approa / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR