BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120615T000000Z DTEND:20120615T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Third Annual Japanese Heritage Night takes place at Citi Fi eld as the New York Mets\, who are tied for first place in the National Le ague East\, host the Central Division-leading Cincinnati Reds.\n\nPregame entertainment begins at 6:30 p.m. with the dynamic taiko drum troupe&nbsp\ ;<a href="" target="_blank">Taiko Mas ala</a>&nbsp\;and the&nbsp\;<a href="" ta rget="_blank">Japanese Folk Dance Institute of New York</a>. There will al so be a special presentation of the Mets Community Spirit Awards to New Yo rk-based Japanese organizations that have contributed to relief efforts in Northeastern Japan.\n\nA portion of each ticket sold through <a href="htt p://\;p artnerId=F17D44TM11-47"></a> will be sent to the <a href="ht tp://">US-Japan Council</a>&rsquo\;s Tomodachi Fund \, which supports Japan&rsquo\;s recovery from last year&rsquo\;s earthqua ke/tsunami/nuclear disaster through the strengthening of cultural and econ omic ties and people-to-people exchange between the US and Japan.\n\nThe M ets are providing three specially designated cheering sections:\n\n<ul><li ><strong>Baseline Box Silver</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; $65/ticket</li><li><s trong>Pepsi Porch</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; $30/ticket</li><li><strong>Prome nade Reserved Infield</strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; $20/ticket</li></ul>\n\nTo p urchase individual tickets\, go to <a href=" m/ticketing/group_offers.jsp?group=japan&amp\;partnerId=F17D44TM11-47">met</a>. For groups of 25 or more\, contact Nicole Annese of the N ew York Mets Group Sales Department at 718.559.3020. Groups of 25 or more can also have their names displayed on the scoreboard.\n\nDon&rsquo\;t mis s this opportunity to see the red-hot Mets while raising much-needed funds for Japan relief. DTSTAMP:20240601T033259Z SUMMARY:Japanese Heritage Night at Citi Field: Mets vs Reds URL:/en/events/2012/06/15/japanese-heritage-night-at-citi-field-mets-vs-red / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR