BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120310T000000Z DTEND:20120310T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE ALL DAY!</strong>\n\nHelp us celebrate our new exh ibition&nbsp\;<em><a href="">Fold ing Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami</a></em>&nbsp\;with a day of origami for the whole family.\n<strong></strong><strong></strong>\n<st rong>ALL DAY CRAFT ACTIVITIES:</strong>\n\n&bull\;&nbsp\;Origami crease pa tterns can be exciting too! See what unique designs emerge when you color in a sheet of crease pattern shapes\n\n&bull\;&nbsp\;Stop by our drop-in o rigami table to fold something fantastic and fun\n\n&bull\;&nbsp\;Help us make the longest paper chain ever made at JANM. Learn how to fold a link a nd watch the chain grow as visitors contribute throughout the day!\n\n&bul l\; Ruthie&rsquo\;s Origami Corner:&nbsp\;Sail on over to Ruthie&rsquo\;s corner to learn how to make an origami boat\n<strong></strong><strong></st rong>\n<strong>SCHEDULE:</strong>\n<strong><em>\n</em></strong><strong>1 & ndash\; 4PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Kidding Around the Kitchen is going to help ou r little friends learn how to make their own lunch time wraps\n<strong></s trong>\n<strong>1 &ndash\; 4PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Be amazed by a wandering &l dquo\;dollar bill&rdquo\; origami expert\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>1PM:< /strong>&nbsp\;Take a guided gallery tour of Folding Papers with curator M eher McArthur\n\n<span style="color: purple\;"><strong>2PM: Author Takayuk i Ishii will talk about his book <em>One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Story of Sadako and the Children's Peace Statue</em>\, an inspirational story of the Japanese national campaign to build the Children's Peace Statue honor ing Sadako and hundreds of other children who died as a result of the bomb ing of Hiroshima.</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<span style="color: purple\ ;"><strong>SPECIAL:</strong>&nbsp\;Help contribute to our 1000 Cranes for world peace by folding a crane\n\nFor more information\, visit&nbsp\;<a hr ef="" target="_blank"> et</a>.\n\n<em></em><em>Generously sponsored by Target\, these special Sat urdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn \, play\, and grow together.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T071653Z SUMMARY:Target FREE Family Saturday: Folding Paper! URL:/en/events/2012/03/10/target-free-family-saturday-folding-paper/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR