BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110220T000000Z DTEND:20110220T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Day of Remembrance (DOR) has been an annual inspiring expressio n of the Japanese American community's vitality. Through cultural presenta tions\, education and a candle lighting ceremony\, the event commemorates the incarceration of over 120\,000 persons of Japanese ancestry during Wor ld War II. The Bay Area Day of Remembrance program is organized annually b y the Bay Area Day of Remembrance Consortium\, with support from various J apanese American and Asian American community organizations throughout the Bay Area.\n\nClick&nbsp\;<a href=" 011%20Compressed%20eCard.pdf">here</a>&nbsp\;to download the event postcar d.\nClick&nbsp\;<a href=" nts/DOR_poster_FINAL%20REDUCED.pdf">here&nbsp\;</a>to download the event p oster.\n\nPresenters:\n\nEmily Murase\, Ph.D.\, SF School Board member\, E mcee\nRev. Michael Yoshii\, Keynote Speech\nEd Lee\, Mayor of San Francisc o\nRev. Lloyd Wake\, 2011 Clifford Uyeda Peace &amp\; Humanitarian Awardee \nJapanese Latin American Redress Update\nSpoken Word and Music: George Yo shida and Michael Sasaki\nRapper Colin Ehara\nKirakiraboshi Children&rsquo \;s Choir\nRosa Parks Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program\nCandle Lighti ng Ceremony\nShakuhachi music by Masayuki Koga\nJapanese American Religiou s Federation\nCandle Light Procession\n\nReception follows at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California\n1840 Sutter Street\ , San Francisco\, CA 94115\n\nTickets: $15 door\, $12 Advance. Call for gr oup rates (415) 921-5007\nMore info:\n\nBay Area DOR Consortium Supporting Organizations (Partial List): Asian Improv aRts\ , Asian Law Caucus\, API Legal Outreach\, Campaign for Justice-Redress Now for Japanese Latin Americans!\, Center for Asian American Media\, Japanes e American Citizens League San Francisco Chapter\, Jtown Arts\, Nihonmachi ROOTS\, Nakayoshi Young Professionals\, Japanese American Religious Feder ation\, Japanese Community Youth Council\, Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California\, Japanese Peruvian Oral History Project\, Kimochi\, Inc.\, National Japanese American Historical Society (fiscal spo nsor)\, Nihonmachi Little Friends\, Rosa Parks School Japanese Bilingual B icultural Program\, Tule Lake Committee. DTSTAMP:20240604T061703Z SUMMARY:Bay Area Day Of Remembrance 2011 - Allies And Activism: Carrying Th e Light For Justice URL:/en/events/2011/02/20/bay-area-day-of-remembrance-2011-allies-and-acti/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR