Zen and Japanese Spiritual Practices (Online Event)

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Out 202119

Tuesday, October 19 at 7–8 pm EDT (4–5 pm PDT)

What is Zen? It is a term most people are familiar with, but for which few are able to find deeper understanding. This religious tradition has influenced not only Japanese culture and spiritual practices immensely, but has also had a significant impact on Western society. At this talk, we invite scholars and practitioners to share their unique perspectives, examining Zen's role and perception in Japan and the West, differences in practices, and the path forward in a post-COVID world. This is the second of the five-part Living Traditions webinar series.

Daiko Matsuyama, Deputy Head Priest of Taizo-in, Zen Buddhist Temple; Visiting Lecturer at Stanford University
Shoko Mekata, Post-Doc Associate, Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University
Dave Morin, Co-founder & Managing Director, Offline Ventures

Paul S. Atkins, Professor in the Department of Asian Languages & Literature, University of Washington

7-8 pm EDT (4-5 pm PDT)    Discussion and Q&A

Program Details: This is a free event, with advance registration required. The program will be live-streamed through YouTube, and registrants will receive the viewing link by email on the event day. Participants can submit questions through YouTube during the live stream.



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japansociety . Atualizado em Set 27, 2021 8:17 a.m.

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