BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240606T000000Z DTEND:20240606T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=" &amp\;txobjid=b84b9038-d999-4fd8-90da-e4743041d0e0"><strong>RSVP</strong>< /a>\n<a href="\; txobjid=b84b9038-d999-4fd8-90da-e4743041d0e0"><strong></strong></a><strong ></strong>\n<strong>FREE</strong>\n\nJoin author <strong>Gene Oishi</stron g>\, his daughter  <strong>Eve Oishi</strong>\, and scholar <strong>Koji Lau-Ozawa</strong> to celebrate Oishi’s newly revised 1988 work\, <stro ng><em>In Search of Hiroshi</em></strong>—a powerful memoir about his li felong struggle to claim both his Japanese and American identities in the aftermath of World War II.\n\n<strong>ABOUT THE BOOK:</strong>\n<em></em>\ n<em>“Can one wreak vengeance against oneself?”</em>\n\nThis anguished question hangs over Gene Oishi’s powerful memoir about his lifelong str uggle to claim both his Japanese and American identities in the aftermath of World War II. From the aftermath of Executive Order 9066 through his ca reer in journalism and politics\, Oishi wrestles with his Japanese heritag e and questions whether he will truly be accepted as American. <em>In Sear ch of Hiroshi</em>\, originally published in 1988 and long unavailable\, i s revised to include new essays and a conversation between Oishi and his d aughter.\n\n<strong>PANELISTS:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>GENE O ISHI</strong>\n Gene Oishi is the former Washington and foreign correspond ent for the <em>Baltimore Sun</em>. He has written articles on the Japanes e American experience for <em>The New York Times Magazine</em>\, <em>The W ashington Post</em>\, <em>Newsweek</em>\, and <em>West Magazine</em>. His debut novel\, <em>Fox Drum Bebop</em>\, was published by Kaya Press in 201 4.\n\n<strong>EVE OISHI</strong>\n Eve Oishi is Associate Professor of Cul tural Studies at Claremont Graduate University specializing in Asian Ameri can media and gender studies.\n\n<strong>KOJI LAU-OZAWA</strong>\n Koji La u-Ozawa is a UC Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA\, and a descend ant of Gila River incarcerees. He received his PhD in Antrhopology from St anford University. His research focuses on the materialized legacies of th e past through landscapes\, objects\, memory\, the archaeology of Japanese diaspora\, and the intersections between Japanese American and Indigenous communities during World World II.\n\nRead excerpts from <em>In Search of Hiroshi</em> on <a href="/journal/series/in-search-of-hiroshi/">Discover Nikkei</a>.\n\n<em>In Search of Hiroshi</em> will be available to purchas e in the <a href="">JANM Store</a>.\n\n<em>This prog ram is a partnership between <strong>Discover Nikkei</strong>\, a project of JANM\, and <a href=""><strong>Kaya Press</strong></a>. </em> DTSTAMP:20240601T225107Z SUMMARY:Virtual Book Launch: In Search of Hiroshi with Gene Oishi URL:/en/events/2024/06/06/virtual-book-launch-in-search-of-hiroshi-with-gen / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR