BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230302T000000Z DTEND:20230302T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since Japan and the West began exchanging ideas in the mid-19th century\, Japanese design sensibilities—from elaborate kimono garments and meticulously raked gardens to lavish compositions of <em>ukiyo-e</em>  woodblock prints—have had wide appeal across Europe and the United Sta tes. Often ornate yet minimalistic\, Japanese design embodies numerous vis ual approaches underpinning the notion of “just right” or “just enou gh\,” known as <em>hodo-hodo</em>. While no single element characterize s the entirety of Japanese design culture\, many scholars attribute the sp ectrum of Japanese design to cultural\, social and spiritual practices dee ply grounded in Japan’s history that continue to be observed in Japanese design practices today. Featuring a discussion with <strong>Taku Satoh</ strong>\, one of Japan’s most critically acclaimed contemporary designer s\, alongside two internationally recognized authorities on Japanese desig n sensibilities\, <strong>Linda Hoaglund</strong> (bilingual filmmaker a nd cultural producer) and <strong>Sarah Teasley</strong> (Professor of D esign\, RMIT University)\, this live webinar will explore the underlying a esthetic and cultural roots essential for understanding the essence of Jap anese design.  DTSTAMP:20240603T004132Z SUMMARY:Just Enough – Finding the Essence of Japanese Design (Virtual) URL:/en/events/2023/03/02/just-enough-finding-the-essence-of-japanese-desi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR