BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201127T000000Z DTEND:20201129T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Are you a JANM member?</strong>&nbsp\;Ordinarily we par tner with other fantastic museum stores to expand the appreciation of all our collective members. Unfortunately\, due to the COVID-19 shutdown of ma ny of our partner institutions\, we are unable to offer you the choice of shopping with our cultural neighbors.\n\nWe appreciate the support of JANM members and are thankful for your patronage through this crazy year! To s how our gratitude we are offering the usual&nbsp\;<strong>20% discount</st rong>&nbsp\;on qualified store purchases from November 27-29. Due to the c ontinuing pandemic restrictions\,&nbsp\;<strong>all sales will take place online only</strong>\, but we will be offering onsite pick up (<a href="ht tps://" target="_blank"><strong>please s ee details here</strong></a>). You must place your orders November 27-29 i n order to qualify for the 20% discount.\n\nTo receive the special 20% off discount online\, type your JANM membership number and expiration date wh en prompted on the order form. New JANM memberships purchased online will receive the appropriate discount on merchandise.\n\nDiscounts will be dedu cted from orders upon verification of membership status.\n\n<a href="https ://" target="_blank"><strong>JOIN OR RENEW NOW!</strong></a> DTSTAMP:20240603T004213Z SUMMARY:2020 Member Appreciation Days! URL:/en/events/2020/11/27/2020-member-appreciation-days/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR