BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200805T000000Z DTEND:20200805T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Wednesday\, August 5</strong><strong>&mdash\;</strong>< span style="font-weight: bold\;">7 P.M. (PDT) <span style="font-weight: bo ld\;">|&nbsp\;4&nbsp\;p.m.&nbsp\;(HST)\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;"> <span style="font-weight: bold\;"><strong></strong>\n<span style="font-wei ght: bold\;"><span style="font-weight: bold\;"><strong>Thursday\, August 6 &mdash\;11 a.m. (JST)</strong>\n\nIn commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War&nbsp\;II\, join a conversation on what today&rsqu o\;s audiences can learn and build on from the story of Floyd Schmoe\, a l ifelong grassroots activist for peace. The conversation will build on the documentary&nbsp\;<strong><em>Houses for Peace</em></strong>&nbsp\;(2018)\ , that tells the story of Schmoe\, who traveled with a diverse group of vo lunteers to the atomic-bombed city of Hiroshima over 70 years ago to build houses for survivors of the atomic bomb and their families.&nbsp\;\n\nThe panel and Q&amp\;A will be moderated by&nbsp\;<strong>Dr.&nbsp\;Gail Nomu ra</strong>\, Professor at the University of Washington\, and feature 75-y ear-old atomic bomb survivor&nbsp\;<strong>Koko Kondo</strong>\, who spent time with Schmoe as a young girl\, as well as&nbsp\;<strong>Kumiko Ogoshi Takai</strong>\, the documentary&rsquo\;s director. They will be joined b y&nbsp\;<strong>Clement Hanami</strong>\, VP of Exhibitions and Art Direct or at JANM\,&nbsp\;<strong>Takuo Takigawa</strong>\, Director of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum\, and&nbsp\;<strong>Mike Carr</strong>\, CEO of the Battleship Missouri Memorial.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong></strong>\n<strong><a hre f="" target="_bl ank">The documentary is available to stream now on NHK WORLD-JAPAN&rsquo\; s video on demand service.</a></strong>\n\nThis program is FREE\, but RSVP s are required using the Zoom link below. The program will be available in with simultaneous audio interpretation in both English and Japanese. Cont act&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">publicp</a>&nbsp\;if you have any additional questions or specifi c access concerns.\n\n本イベントは日/英の同時通訳で行われ ます。参加は無料ですが、事前登録制です。「RSVP」ボ タンからZOOMウェビナーへの事前登録をお願いします。\ n\n<strong><a href=" /WN_rEue9E4XQrO-AsAG4KScyw" target="_blank">RSVP NOW</a></strong>\n<strong ><a href=" 4XQrO-AsAG4KScyw" target="_blank"></a></strong>\n<em>This program is prese nted in partnership with NHK WORLD-JAPAN\, and with cooperation from the H iroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Battleship Missouri Memorial.</em>\ n<em></em>\nImage: Donated by Tomiko Y. Schmoe. Entrusted by the Group for Learning from Floyd Schmoe. Courtesy of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. DTSTAMP:20240612T184353Z SUMMARY:Online Conversation—Houses for Peace: Exploring the Legacy of Flo yd Schmoe URL:/en/events/2020/08/05/online-conversationhouses-for-peace-exploring-th/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR