BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191120T000000Z DTEND:20191120T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nestled in the mountains of central Japan\, Nagano Prefecture i s admired for its many beautiful natural and historical landmarks. A strik ing black-and-white structure\, and the oldest of its kind\, Matsumoto Cas tle is considered a National Treasure. Even long after the 1998 Winter Gam es\, Nagano remains the go-to destination for winter sports in Japan. The region is recognized for its unique cuisine and pristine waters\, includin g rich shinshu soba\, flavorful oyaki dumplings and succulent fruit. At th is talk\, Akira Kumagai\, Executive Director for Shinshu Brands and Direct or General of Business Bureau\, will help guests discover the beauty and r esilience of this unforgettable region. Moderated by Susan Miyagi McCormac \, founder of JapanCulture&middot\;NYC.Followed by a tasting reception fea turing cuisine from Nagano and a sampling of fine sake and beer from the r egion. Attendees will receive a special gift of Nagano specialties\, inclu ding a mizuhiki greeting card\, shichimi spice blend\, chestnut wagashi an d a package of shinshu soba. Enjoy a beautiful display of dahlia and ranun culus flowers from Nagano Prefecture arranged in the Ikenobo style.\n\nTas ting Reception Menu:\nAll items are sourced from Nagano Prefecture\n\nFood :\nShinshu salmon\, oyaki dumplings and shinshu soba\, with shichimi and w asabi seasonings\nDrinks:\nShinano Sweet Apple Juice\nKyoho Grape Juice\n3 Regional Beers: Karuizawa Premium Clear\, Karuizawa Premium Dark\, Karuiz awa Weiss\n14 Regional Sake: Junmai Daiginjo Takizawa\, Miwatari Daiginjo Genshu Muroka\, Tokubetsu Junmai Genshu Zankuro\, Motooi no Matsu\, Sakize n\, Ikioi Masamune\, Hokko Masamune\, Hokko Masamune Junmai Daiginjo\, Hok ko Masamune Tokubetsu Junmai\, Hokko Masamune Junmai Ginjo Yukiakari\, Dai ginjo Masumi Sanka\, Junmai Masumi\, Junmai Kurosawa\, Nigori Kurosawa\nIn order to focus on recovery efforts for the devastation caused by Typhoon Hagibis\, Nagano Governor Shuichi Abe must cancel his visit to New York to host Get to Know Japan: Nagano events. Akira Kumagai\, Executive Director for Shinshu Brands and Director General of Business Bureau will appear in his place. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by T yphoon Hagibis.\n\nPart of Get to Know Japan Series: Nagano\n\nTickets: $2 1/$17 members\, seniors &amp\; students DTSTAMP:20240604T223340Z SUMMARY:Get to Know Nagano: The Home of Nature\, History &amp\; Sports URL:/en/events/2019/11/20/get-to-know-nagano-the-home-of-nature-history/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR