BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180224T000000Z DTEND:20180224T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for the premiere screening of a new documentary film ex ploring the struggles and obsessions of Shin Miyata\, a Tokyo&ndash\;based record label owner\, music promoter\, and cultural ambassador who has bee n distributing Chicano music and bringing East Los Angeles bands to Japan for nearly 20 years.\n\nThe film explores Miyata&rsquo\;s personal connect ion to East LA\, the joys and difficulties of introducing authentic and di verse representations of Chicano culture to Japan\, and the conscious effo rts Miyata has made to break stereotypes on both sides of the Pacific.\n\n Directed by Akira Boch\,&nbsp\;<em>Our Man in Tokyo</em>&nbsp\;is a produc tion of JANM&rsquo\;s Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center. Screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Miyata\, who is flying in from Tokyo for this event\, Boch\, and the members of El Haru Kuroi\, an East LA trio whose unique compositions draw from their upbringing in the city as well as elements of Mexican\, South American\, African\, and American jazz musi c. El Haru Kuroi will also perform.\n\nIncluded with&nbsp\;<a href="http:/ /" target="_blank">museum admission</a>. RSVP s are recommended using the link below.\n\n<strong></strong><em></em><a hr ef="\;txobjid=22 f59af5-529c-4048-941c-b1c9bc6bca08" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a >\n<a href="\;tx objid=22f59af5-529c-4048-941c-b1c9bc6bca08" target="_blank"></a>\n<em><spa n style="font-size: x-small\;">In the Tateuchi Democracy Forum</em>\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" s/transpacific-borderlands/"><em>Transpacific Borderlands: The Art of Japa nese Diaspora in Lima\, Los Angeles\, Mexico City\, and S&atilde\;o Paulo< /em></a>\n\nCheck <a href="" target="_blank" ></a> for updates.\n\n<strong></strong><em></em><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240602T135846Z SUMMARY:Film Screening and Discussion—Our Man in Tokyo (The Ballad of Shi n Miyata) URL:/en/events/2018/02/24/film-screening-and-discussionour-man-in-tokyo-th/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR