BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160314T000000Z DTEND:20160314T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On <strong>Monday\, March 14th\, 7:30 PM\,</strong> the <strong >Okinawa Association of America (OAA)</strong> in Gardena will host a talk about <strong>Ryūkyūan cuisine</strong> (Japanese with English translat ion). The event will also include a sampling of one royal court dish (kyū tei ryōri) and two traditional common dishes (shomin ryōri). RSVP is req uired.\n\n<strong>Master chef Ayaka Yamamoto from Okinawa</strong> will be leading the presentation. At 80 years old\, Ms. Yamamoto continues to tea ch traditional Ryūkyūan cuisine in Okinawa and abroad\, serving as a gre at example of longevity among Okinawan elders.\n\n&ldquo\;It is a pity tha t the true form of Ryūkyū cuisine is being forgotten now\,&rdquo\; Ms. Y amamoto told <a href=" 1507290009" target="_blank">The Asahi Shimbun</a> in 2015. &ldquo\;I wish to pass on the old wisdom to future generations.&rdquo\;\n\nAudience membe rs will have an opportunity to taste test <strong>&ldquo\;minudaru&rdquo\; </strong> (steamed pork with sesame seed)\, <strong>&ldquo\;fu champuru&rd quo\;</strong> (stir fry with wheat gluten)\, and <strong>&ldquo\;sōmen c hampuru&rdquo\;</strong> (stir fry with wheat flour noodles). One of the k ey features of traditional Ryūkyūan cooking is the absence of artificial ingredients.\n\nThere will be a limited supply of <strong>Aguni Island se a salt</strong> (rich in minerals and low in sodium chloride) and <strong> nigari</strong> (brine from Okinawan seawater) for sale. All proceeds bene fit the OAA and OAA Fujin-bu (Women&rsquo\;s Association).\n\n<strong>Admi ssion is free for current OAA members and $5 for the public.</strong> RSVP is required: or 310-532-1929. The OAA is located at 16500 S. Western Ave.\, Gardena 90247 and the event will take place in the Yamauchi Building.\n\n---\n\nImage:&nbsp\;"Minudaru\,"&nbsp\;steamed pork with sesame seed (<a href=" tore/shinjuku/floor/main_b1f/recipe/index.html" target="_blank">source</a> ) DTSTAMP:20240612T031409Z SUMMARY:Ryūkyū Cuisine with Master Chef Ayaka Yamamoto (from Japan) URL:/en/events/2016/03/14/ryukyu-cuisine-with-master-chef-ayaka-yamamoto-fr / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR