BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150123T000000Z DTEND:20150123T000000Z DESCRIPTION:FILM\nMatango (aka Attack of the Mushroom People)\nマタンゴ (Matango)\nFriday\, January 23\, 7 PM\n\n<a href="https://tickets.japansoc"></a>\n<em>Matango</ em>&nbsp\;&copy\; 1963 Toho Co.\, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.\n\n<ul><li><a> SYNOPSIS</a></li><li><a>RELATED CONTENT &amp\; EVENTS</a></li></ul>\n\nPro lific director Ishiro Honda made&nbsp\;<em>Matango (aka Attack of the Mush room People)&nbsp\;</em>11 years after his iconic&nbsp\;<em>Godzilla</em>. Like that famous&nbsp\;<em>kaiju&nbsp\;</em>film\,&nbsp\;<em>Matango</em> &nbsp\;manages to be a highly entertaining genre film utilizing imaginativ e monster costumes while also engaging with social and moral commentary ab out contemporary Japan. A group of rich Tokyo elites - the benefactors of the economic recovery of the 1960s -&nbsp\; find themselves on a deserted island after their yacht is shipwrecked. As circumstances become increasin gly difficult\, the moralities of the characters are tested as they strugg le to survive against the monstrous and radioactive mushroom species calle d &ldquo\;Matango&rdquo\; that infest the island. Hallucinatory sequences\ , sexual tension and gripping suspense charge this colorful B-movie based on William Hope Hodgson&rsquo\;s 1907 short story &ldquo\;The Voice in the Night&rdquo\; (one of the stories printed in the anthology&nbsp\;<em>Alfr ed Hitchcock Presents: 12 Stories They Wouldn&rsquo\;t Let Me Do on TV</em >).\n\n<em>1963\, 89 min.\, 35mm\, color\, in Japanese with English subtit les. Directed by Ishiro Honda. With Akira Kobai\, Hiroshi Koizumi\, Hirosh i Tachikawa\, Kenji Sahara\, Kumi Mizuno\, Miki Yashiro\, Yoshio Tsuchiya. </em>\n\nThis 35mm print is from the collection of the National Film Cente r\, The National Museum of Modern Art\, Tokyo.\n\n<strong>TICKETS</strong> \n$12/$9 Japan Society members\, seniors &amp\; students\n<a href="http://">Become a Japan Society Membe r</a>\n<a href=" f-the-sun">Part of&nbsp\;<em>The Dark Side of the Sun: John Zorn on Japane se Cinema</em>.</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T063639Z SUMMARY:Matango (aka Attack of the Mushroom People) URL:/en/events/2015/01/23/matango-aka-attack-of-the-mushroom-people/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR