BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130811T000000Z DTEND:20130811T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Popular paper crafts expert Vicky Mihara-Avery returns to JAMsj for a hands-on box-making class. When closed\, it is a wonderful pyramid box. When open\, it transforms into a four-point star ornament! Students w ill learn how to use box-making techniques to wrap cardboard triangles wit h beautiful paper and hinge them to a square bottom. Ribbons are then atta ched to tie the points together to make the pyramid box.\n\n<a href="https :// Fe%3D001PeKSP9XfuNQP6n1kHnpa9HNwnLb4G29q11wkxfCNv_6hWzoV_9yih8QcAxVhrjtNNN GM0z2I4buoOQMOVa-1swBhRCAn5zF_yWjcvuZG4Q8Fpw_aH9HeKclTlAmx9he-dIYP0sWgiuLE alCQ6qvjT-msgC_oAt41IQiwcKy5XiqHRnuIZi6O_Ze6C5fq5meN5t7FAj7KaDE%3D&amp\;la ng=en" target="_blank">This program</a>&nbsp\;will also include a trunk sh ow featuring products from Mihara-Avery's online store\, \, including papers that work well with the techniques taught in this clas s. For more information about the products\, visit her website at&nbsp\;<a href=" t%2Ftn.jsp%3Fe%3D001PeKSP9XfuNTrPZhvFTTTvgPNPspOcs5WundUWr8ASny192qx0p13XF qjPZ1Y4LSe7WIIpqJ7wumwc_2kbTcAaK-QWWs4QkzHmnNFZ_gX_3Mj0AuQ9A-tz_PmrLOHBzEr &amp\;lang=en" target="_blank"></a>.\n\n<em><s trong>Vicky Mihara-Avery</strong>&nbsp\;is the third generation in her fam ily to promote and share the experience of Japanese paper crafts. She rece ntly made guest appearances on Martha Stewart\, the Carol Duvall Show\, an d Good Morning America. She has also been an invited lecturer and instruct or at museums\, festivals\, and origami conferences around the country.</e m>\nCost: $10 class fee plus admission to the museum (non-members\, $5\; s tudents and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12 \, free).\n\nClass fee is reduced to $5 for members who are active volunte ers at the museum. An additional $3 materials fee (cash only) will be coll ected at the beginning of class.&nbsp\;\n\nRSVP early (20 students max). P lease contact&nbsp\;<a href=" /\;messageId=MTImKCS0Wy89KBK%2FDG9ufil hZkXJKli7&amp\;purpose=display&amp\;bodyType=htmlNoExternals">PublicProgra</a>&nbsp\;or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240601T191326Z SUMMARY:Craft Class: Pyramid Star Box URL:/en/events/2013/08/11/craft-class-pyramid-star-box/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR