BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121116T000000Z DTEND:20121121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:“I’d like to destroy this premise that cinema is fiction. ” - Shohei Imamura One of the greatest filmmakers of postwar Japanese (o r\, for that matter\, world) cinema\, Shohei Imamura spent more than four decades turning out a steady stream of astoundingly fearless\, inventive\, mischievous films\, gleefully breaking taboos of all kinds - political\, social\, sexual\, and aesthetic. His films - including masterpieces like T HE INSECT WOMAN\, THE PORNOGRAPHERS\, and VENGEANCE IS MINE - are populate d by a constellation of perverts\, serial killers\, madmen\, and eccentric s\, adding up to an incisive\, unvarnished\, but vital portrait of Japanes e society. Imamura’s disregard for propriety or conventions\, and his un ceasing appetite for investigating and depicting Japanese society\, result ed in a refusal to limit himself to fiction or documentary filmmaking\, or to acknowledge a sharp distinction between the two. Throughout his career he moved fluidly from one to the other\, ultimately making numerous docum entaries on a host of subjects. And in some of these films\, he happily bl urred the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction\, pioneering the hybr id form that is very much in vogue today.\nFor more information about film s or showtimes refer to series/40008. DTSTAMP:20240601T123855Z SUMMARY:Film Screenings DOCUMENTARIES BY SHOHEI IMAMURA URL:/en/events/2012/11/16/film-screenings-documentaries-by-shohei-imamura/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR