BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110306T000000Z DTEND:20110306T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Border Crossings: An ongoing exploration of community and socie ty through cinema and media arts Presented by Visual Communications\n\nVis ual Communications\, the nation&rsquo\;s premier Asian Pacific American me dia arts center\, is pleased to inaugurate an ongoing series at the Tateuc hi Democracy Forum. Select works ranging from politics to horror\, from li ve-action to anime and everything else in between will be augmented with s hoptalks and special guest appearances.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Nikkei Overseas (double-feature):</strong>\n<em><strong>Overstay</strong></em><strong>&nbs p\;(1998) Director: Ann Kaneko</strong>\n<em>Overstay&nbsp\;</em>foregroun ds the lives of foreign migrant workers in Japan. Four sets of young peopl e from Iran\, Pakistan\, Peru\, and the Philippines tell their unique stor ies&mdash\;why they came to Japan\, what struggles they have faced\, and h ow they have adjusted to an unusually insular and traditional society.&nbs p\;\n\n<em><strong>Against the Grain: An Artist&rsquo\;s Survival Guide To Per&uacute\;&nbsp\;</strong></em><strong>(2007) Director: Ann Kaneko\n</s trong>Spanning two decades of corrupt governments and inept leadership in Per&uacute\;\,&nbsp\;<em>Against the Grain</em>&nbsp\;tells the story of f our inspiring artists&mdash\;one displaced by rebel insurgents\, another a Japanese Peruvian targeted by the regime\, and others whose works comment on youth culture and religion&mdash\;and their struggles to persevere and make art in Per&uacute\;.&nbsp\;\n\nProgram is free&nbsp\;with&nbsp\;<a h ref="">admission</a>.&nbsp\;Reservations recomme nded to&nbsp\;<a href=""></a>&nbsp\;or 21 3.625.0414 at least 48 hours prior to the event.&nbsp\;Include the name\, date\, and time of the program\, as well as your name and the total in you r party.&nbsp\;\n\n<a href=""></a>\n\nPres ented in partnership with Visual Communications. For more information abou t Visual Communications\, visit&nbsp\;<a href="">w</a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240612T041514Z SUMMARY:FILM SCREENINGS: 'Overstay' and 'Against the Grain' by Ann Kaneko URL:/en/events/2011/03/06/film-screenings-overstay-and-against-the-grain/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR