BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100214T000000Z DTEND:20100214T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The film STAND UP FOR JUSTICE will celebrate its long-awaited D VD release on Sunday\, Feb. 14\, 2010 at the National Center for the Prese rvation of Democracy\, in Little Tokyo.\n\nThe highlight of the Valentine& rsquo\;s Day event will be a screening of the short documentary\,&nbsp\;<s trong><em>The Making of Stand Up for Justice</em></strong>\, which is incl uded on the DVD. Over 100 community members volunteered and donated to thi s film project and their contributions are documented in this video. The D VD also features the STAND UP FOR JUSTICE film\, with options for English closed captioning\, Spanish and Japanese language subtitles\, and addition al information about Ralph Lazo.\n\nBased on a true story\, STAND UP FOR J USTICE is a short dramatic film about Ralph Lazo\, a young Latino American teenager from East Los Angeles who voluntarily went to Manzanar concentra tion camp. Nisei friends remember him as one who stood faithfully with his Japanese American friends in their most difficult time. The 30-minute fil m STAND UP FOR JUSTICE powerfully addresses the violations of civil libert ies that Japanese Americans faced during World War II and reveals how one person&rsquo\;s actions earned the undying gratitude of a community.&nbsp\ ;<a href=" -up-for-justice-dvd-event-press-release/" target="_blank"><strong>Read the full Press Release.&nbsp\;</strong></a>\n\nScreening at 2pm\, reception t o follow.&nbsp\;Space is limited to this very special event. <strong>To bu y tickets\, call 213-680-4462 or <a href=" s/default/includes/templates/Results.cfm?category=11&amp\;CFID=457394&amp\ ;CFTOKEN=81425211" target="_blank">buy online</a>.</strong>\n\nCost:\n $10 VC Members &amp\; NCRR Members\n $15 General\n\nThe event is being presen ted by Visual Communications and Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress (NCRR )\, a non-profit dedicated to participation in the broad areas of civil ri ghts as well as continued commitment to redress for Japanese Americans and Japanese Latin Americans. DTSTAMP:20240603T054701Z SUMMARY:Stand Up For Justice - Reunion & DVD Release Party URL:/en/events/2010/02/14/stand-up-for-justice-reunion-dvd-release-party/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR