Ripple Effect: Walk for Suicide Prevention

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Community Event

9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.

Jack Rose Track, CSULB
Jack Rose Track, Cal State University Long Beach
Long Beach, California, 90840
United States

Changing Tides, a program of Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) is hosting the second annual Ripple Effect: Walk for Suicide Prevention. The Ripple Effect raises funds to support Changing Tides' initiatives in mental health awareness, services, and suicide prevention.

With suicide now the third leading cause of death for youth between the ages 15-24 years old and the leading cause of death for AAPI youth in the same age range, Changing Tides hopes to bring critical resources to those in need.

This walk is intended to be a moment of reflection and unity in memory of those we have lost by suicide. Attendees can walk at their pace with a group or individually.
Ripple Effect brings people together to walk in solidarity for suicide prevention, suicide awareness, and for those who we have lost to suicide. Join Changing Tides’ Ripple Effect for a morning of guest speakers, vendors, mental health resources, and mindful movement!

Register here.




cginnaven . 更新日 2023年6月13日




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