BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090929T000000Z DTEND:20090929T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In his new book\,&nbsp\;<em>Pacific Alliance</em>\,&nbsp\;<stro ng>Kent E. Calder</strong>&nbsp\;argues that US-Japanese relations are dan gerously eroding as both nations seek broader options in a globally orient ed world.&nbsp\; In this lecture\, Professor Calder will discuss the impli cations of this changing&nbsp\;relationship on East Asian security and off er prescriptions for returning the relationship to vitality again.&nbsp\; Kent Calder is Director of The Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies\, Johns Hopkins University.& nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nModerated by&nbsp\;<strong>Gideon Rose</strong>\, Managin g Editor\,&nbsp\;<em>Foreign Affairs</em>.\n\n<em>Followed by a book signi ng.</em>\n&nbsp\;\n<strong>Tickets</strong>\n$11/$7 Japan Society Members\ , Seniors\, Students\n\n<a href=" uy_tickets?eid=680694dc">Buy Tickets Online</a>&nbsp\;or call the Japan So ciety Box Office at (212) 715-1258\, Mon. - Fri. 11 am - 6 pm\, Weekends 1 1 am - 5 pm. DTSTAMP:20240608T192309Z SUMMARY:Authors on Asia Pacific Alliance: Reviving US-Japan Relations URL:/en/events/2009/09/29/authors-on-asia-pacific-alliance-reviving-us-japa / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR