BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070908T000000Z DTEND:20070908T000000Z DESCRIPTION:MISSION FROM BUDDHA PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS\n<strong>Only The Brav e DVD Release Screening</strong>\nSponsored by KYOCERA Corporation\n\n<str ong>SATURDAY\, SEPTEMBER 8\, 2007\nAratani Japan America Theatre</strong>\ n244 South San Pedro Street\, Los Angeles • (213) 680-3700\n<strong>2:00 pm (subtitled in Japanese) • 7:00 pm</strong>\n\n$10 General Admission • $8 JACCC Members\, Seniors\, Students and Groups (10 or more)\nAdmissi on free for U.S. Armed Forces veterans\n\nThe first motion picture as seen through the eyes of the heroic all-Nisei Regiment of WWII\, ONLY THE BRAV E is inspired by their sacrifices in combat and memories of loved ones bac k home in America. \n\nCast includes: Lane Nishikawa\, Tamlyn Tomita\, Mar k Dacascos\, Yuji Okumoto\, Jason Scott Lee\, Pat Noriyuki Morita\, and Je ff Fahey\n\nThis limited engagement made possible by KYOCERA Corporation\, co-sponsored by the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center (JACC C) and support from the Japanese American National Museum (JANM)\n\nTo ord er DVD copies of ONLY THE BRAVE or for details of the upcoming national sc reening tour\, go to <a href="">www.OnlyT</a>. DTSTAMP:20240607T230814Z SUMMARY:Only the Brave DVD Release Screening in Los Angeles on Saturday\, S eptember 8 URL:/en/events/2007/09/08/only-the-brave-dvd-release-screening-in-los-angel e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR