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This is a miniature ceramic hina-ningyo set. Each doll is only about 1-1/2" high. The entire set fits into a 11" x 11" square wooden box that acts as a base/stand to display the set during hinamatsuri. There is a very nice outer white cardboard box with a pastel pink lid that protects it while not in use.

This set includes 10 figures - one emperor doll, one empress doll, 3 female attendants, and 5 musicians. They sit on a 10" x 10" piece of red felt. There's a 6" x 3" decorated plastic stand for the emperor & empress so that they're slightly elevated above the rest of the figures. There's also a decorated cardboard screen that you put behind the emperor & empress. Then, there are various accessories such as lanterns, plants, and hishimochi.

The set also comes with an illustration that shows you how each piece should be positioned.

Click on these links to see close-up views: emperor & empress, female attendant,and taiko player.

vkm — Última actualización Mar 30 2011 8:01 p.m.

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