Descubra a los Nikkei

La Columna de Koji

13 de diciembre de 2006 - 9 de noviembre de 2012

“La Columna de Koji” (Koji’s Column) es una contribución del miembro del staff del Museo Nacional Japonés Americano, Koji Steven Sakai. Su columna explora la identidad y la cultura nikkei desde el punto de vista de un hombre japonés americano del sur de California de segunda y cuarta generación.

Historias de Esta Serie

Thumbnail for I Think My Grandfather Was a Spy
I Think My Grandfather Was a Spy

10 de julio de 2008 • Koji Steven Sakai

I think my nisei grandfather was a spy for Japan during the Second World War. I know that’s a loaded thing to say in the Japanese American community, but the more I find out, the more certain I become of it. Let me start from the beginning... Over the last few years I have been doing research on my family. Specifically, what happened to us during WWII. It started when I requested my grandfather’s papers from the National Archives. My …

Thumbnail for I’m a Racist
I’m a Racist

23 de mayo de 2008 • Koji Steven Sakai

A couple of weekends ago I found out I was a racist. Not the white pillow case over my head kind but something quieter, more insidious. It’s made me rethink my own racial sensitivity and question the times where I’ve felt racially offended. But let me start from the beginning... I was walking home with my dog when an African American man started talking to me. He was nice and when he turned onto my street I asked him if …

Thumbnail for An Asian American President?
An Asian American President?

12 de marzo de 2008 • Koji Steven Sakai

This year’s presidential election is exciting because for the first time in our history, a woman or a person of color has a real shot of being President of the United States. I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime. All of this excitement has got me thinking: Could an Asian American ever become president? The cynical (smart money) answer is no. I think to the vast majority of people in the United States, Asian Americans are still martial …

Thumbnail for Oshogatsu

3 de enero de 2008 • Koji Steven Sakai

Besides Groundhog’s day, my favorite holiday is New Year’s. I look forward to it every year. I always forget though that most people just think it’s a day to watch football. For those who don’t know, New Year’s or “Oshogatsu” in Japan is the most important and elaborate holiday of the year. When Japanese Americans talk about New Year’s, they usually just mention the “osechi” (New Year’s food). Things like: “soba” (buck wheat noodles) on New Year’s Eve for a …

Thumbnail for Natto

26 de diciembre de 2007 • Koji Steven Sakai

When I was a child, I wouldn’t eat anything that I thought was too “weird,” at least to my American sensibility. Of course, natto fell into that category. For those of you who don’t know, natto is fermented soybeans. Yes, fermented. It sounds about as appetizing as it looks and smells. My first generation mom used to say that “real” Japanese people eat natto. I think it was just a trick to get me to try it. But either way, …

Thumbnail for Traveling Japanese / American
Traveling Japanese / American

28 de noviembre de 2007 • Koji Steven Sakai

The best thing about being Japanese American is the travel benefits. When I leave North America and travel anywhere in the world, I can choose to be either Japanese or American depending on the political situation in that country at the time. For example, if I’m pretty much anywhere in Asia I’m choosing to be American. Might even consider wearing an American bandana, if I had one. But if I were ever to go to the Middle East, I’m Japanese …

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Autor en Esta Serie

Koji Steven Sakai ha escrito cuatro largometrajes que han sido producidos, Haunted Highway (2006), The People I’ve Slept With (2009), Monster & Me (2012) y #1 Serial Killer (2012). También fue productor de The People I’ve Slept With y de #1 Serial Killer. Su guión de largometraje, Romeo, Juliet & Rosaline, fue adquirido por los Estudios Amazon. La novela debut de Koji, Romeo & Juliet Vs. Zombies, fue publicada por Luthando Coeur, la editorial de fantasía de Zharmae Publishing Press en febrero de 2015. 

Última actualización en marzo de 2015

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