Descubra a los Nikkei

“Work hard at the job you’re at”

I think as I look back over the forty years I'd been in public service, one of the things I always tried to do was not to get caught up in this whole thing about, "Where are you gonna be?" "Where are you going?" and looking out into the future as to where you want to go. Because I think a lot of people make a mistake about keeping their sight on where they want to go, and they'll stumble over something right in front of them. And so I've always maintained, work hard at the job you're in, do a good job there. Because then, if you come to a fork in the road, and it's like the great American philosopher Yogi Berra said, "When you come to the fork in the road, take it." But if people are so intent on their goal way over there, that's, that's driving them. It's not a personal decision, and I want to be in control of myself, not let other outside things direct me as to what I'm going to be doing. So I've always maintained: work hard at the job you're at.

And so I always figured, just work hard at being mayor. Be a good mayor, and whatever happens in terms of opportunities that pop up or whatever you want to do, you can then do it. If you're mayor and a very difficult task comes up, if you've got creditability and a depth of, reserve of goodwill, then you can sacrifice some of that goodwill to take on this very difficult task. And so I've always felt, you just work hard at the job you're at, don't worry about having to keep your sight on where you're going to go in the future, 'cause that can really, you can stumble over something right in front of you.

gobiernos política

Fecha: July 4, 2008

Zona: Colorado, US

Entrevista: Tom Ikeda

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Norman Mineta nació el 12 de noviembre de 1931 en San José, California. Fueron encarcelados en el campo de concentración de Heart Mountain durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Empezó su carrera política cuando fue elegido a ocupar el cargo de Conseja de la ciudad San José. Luego fue vice alcalde y alcalde de San José en 1971.

Mineta fue diputado de la Cámara de Representante de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica desde 1975 a 1995 y fue una figura clave en los pasillos durante la Ley de los Derechos Civiles HR 442 de 1988, que incluía una disculpa oficial por el encarcelacimiento inconstitucional de los Americanos Japoneses durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

En el año 2000, fue el primer americano asiático que tuvo un cargo en el Gabinete Presidencial cuando el Presidente Clinton lo designara Secretario de Comercio. Al año siguiente, el Presidente George W. Bush, lo designa como su Secretario de Transporte, el único demócrata en el gabinete de Bush. Fue el Secretario de Transporte que más tiempo estuvo en el cargo desde que se creara el puesto en 1967. (Diciembre 2011)

Mitsuye Yamada

Grateful for The Quakers’ help in camp and finding jobs outside of camp

(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poeta, activista
