BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240525T000000Z DTEND:20240525T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: an tialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "Trebuche t MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'><a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhosti\;txobjid=e073fad6-81a8-4105-acaa-3e006ba1c3 f5">TICKETS</a>\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing : antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "Treb uchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Taho ma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'><span style='color: #212529\; fon t-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Luci da Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 16px\; font-style: normal\; fo nt-variant-ligatures: normal\; font-variant-caps: normal\; font-weight: 40 0\; letter-spacing: normal\; orphans: 2\; text-align: left\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; -webkit-text- stroke-width: 0px\; white-space: normal\; background-color: #ffffff\; text -decoration-thickness: initial\; text-decoration-style: initial\; text-dec oration-color: initial\; display: inline !important\; float: none\;'>Entry included in JANM Admission ($16 adults\, $9 seniors/students/youth\, Free for JANM Members)\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smooth ing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "T rebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, T ahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>Join the artists of Giant Robo t and JANM for an art market at the Museum! Playing on the idea of the  < em>konbini</em>   or Japanese convenience store\, which stocks everything from snacks to household supplies\, this Art Konbini will feature art pri nts\, zines\, pins\, and more!\n\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webk it-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; f ont-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lu cida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>FEATURED ARTISTS : Natalie Andrewson\, Sean Chao\, Luke Chueh\, Lucas Pincer Flynn\, Jenn L ima\, Cassia Lupo\, Erick Martinez\, Paperobott\, Sakai Harts and Crafts\, Kelly Yamagishi\, and more.\n\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit -font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; fon t-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Luci da Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>Some items from th e exhibition artists are available exclusively from  <a href="https://jan\;q=giant+robot" style='box-sizing: bord er-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; color: #722182\; text-decor ation: underline\; background-color: transparent\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>the JANM Store</a>   and can be purch ased in advance. \n\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoo thing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 0.875rem !important\; color: #707070\;'> Image: Luke Chueh\,  <em>Red Eye</em>  and <em>Golden Eye\, </em> acry lic on canvas. Courtesy of the artist.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T215654Z SUMMARY:Giant Robot × JANM Art Konbini URL:/en/events/2024/05/25/giant-robot-janm-art-konbini/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR