BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231102T000000Z DTEND:20231102T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="color: #000000\; font-family: Verdana\, Arial\, ">$5 General\, FREE for members\n\n<p style="color: #000000\; font-family: Verd ana\, Arial\, "><a href=" ab=2&amp\;txobjid=e4b13df6-6111-4768-9bd4-5dbe216477e5">BUY TICKETS</a>\n< p style="color: #000000\; font-family: Verdana\, Arial\, ">Join<em> New Y ork Times</em> bestselling author\, <strong>Jeff Yang</strong> \, and oth er special guests for the launch of Yang’s newest book\, <em><strong>Th e Golden Screen: The Movies that Made Asian America</strong> </em> . The p ast decade has been a groundbreaking era for Asian-centric storytelling in Hollywood films. <em><strong>The Golden Screen</strong> </em> celebrates and examines the history of Asian Americans on the big screen\, exploring how iconic films have shaped Hollywood\, representation\, and American cu lture.\n\n<strong><em>The Golden Screen </em> </strong> will be available for purchase at the <a href="" style="color: red ! important\;">JANM Store</a> .\n\n<em>About the book:</em>\n<p style="box-s izing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\ ; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: ">Since 2018\, the success of <em>Cra zy Rich Asians </em> ignited new fires in Hollywood to create Asian-centri c stories and usher in a new era of filmmaking. But many films\, like  <e m>he Joy Luck Club</em> in 1993\, paved the way for Asian American–led f ilms before <em>Crazy Rich Asians </em> and to today.<em> The Golden Scree n</em> takes an in-depth look at those films and reaffirms the importance of the Asian American film canon in an increasingly diverse Hollywood. The book includes commentary from Simu Liu\, Lulu Wang\, Daniel Dae Kim\, Jan et Yang\, Ronny Chieng\, Alice Wu\, and Ken Jeong\; original artwork from Toma Nguyen\, barbarian flower\, Jun Cen\, Cryssy Cheung\, Cliff Chiang\, Yu-Ming Huang\, JiYeun Kang\, Ashraf Omar\, and Zi Xu\; and features over 100 photographs.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240605T143210Z SUMMARY:Book Launch — THE GOLDEN SCREEN: The Movies that Made Asian Ameri ca URL:/en/events/2023/11/02/book-launch-the-golden-screen-the-movies-that-m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR