BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220525T000000Z DTEND:20220525T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nAfter b eing arrested at age 16 for allegedly stealing a backpack\, Kalief Browder spent three years in the jail complex on Rikers Island\, the main prison compound of New York City renowned for extraordinary levels of violence an d disorder. Browder maintained his innocence and during the time spent in Rikers waiting for a trial that never happened\, was subjected to prolonge d solitary confinement and intense mental and physical trauma. After 3 yea rs\, the case was dropped and after being released\, Browder committed sui cide at age 22. May 25\, 2022 would have been Kalief Browder’s 29th birt hday.\n\nTo honor Browder’s life and memory\, the plaza at JANM will bec ome a site of memorial and action. Mid afternoon\, Whit Hazen Studios will create a mixed media tribute to Browder's life\, alongside artist Coby Ke nnedy’s installation. The day will conclude with a conversation on incar ceration and Art As Social Action\, between artist <strong>Coby Kennedy</ strong>\, Arts activist <strong>Marsha Reid</strong>\, and Executive Dire ctor of <a href="" >Inside Out Writers</a> <strong>Jimmy Wu</strong>.\n\n<strong>3 - 7 pm: W hit McClure creative floral design honors and celebrates Kalief Browder’ s brief life 'outside of The Box’ with a real time floral tribute creati on . Soundscape curated by Kindred Arts.</strong>\n\n<strong>7pm - 8:30pm: Conversation with Kennedy\, Reid\, and Wu*</strong>\n\n<em>*RSVPs only ne eded for the conversation portion of the program. Tribute to be on display outdoors throughout the program.</em>\n\n<a href="http://9644p.blackbaudh\;txobjid=41601d62-7f26-449b-b873-7d448d 35a269">IN PERSON RSVP</a>      <a href="http://9644p.blackbaudhosting .com/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=7a139c69-39ff-4ec1-b9db-c155f1bcc9bb ">VIRTUAL RSVP</a>\n\n \n\nAbout <em><strong>Kalief Browder: The Box</st rong></em>:\n\nThe National Center for the Preservation of Democracy at th e Japanese American National Museum (NCPD@JANM) is proud to host Coby Kenn edy’s Kalief Browder: The Box to commemorate Black History Month in Los Angeles. By replicating the dimensions of a solitary confinement cell\, th is steel and glass work critiques the abuses of civil liberties in America n incarceration systems\, introduces viewers to the impacts of mass incarc eration\, and invites them to envision a world without prisons.\n\nThe Box is one of four large scale sculptures by acclaimed African American artis ts Arthur Jafa\, Christopher Myers\, and Hank Willis Thomas. These sculptu res are on view at Benny H. Potter Park\, and Leimert Plaza Park. They are part of Monumental Tour\, a traveling outdoor exhibit presented by Kindre d Arts and the 10th Council District of the City of Los Angeles to examine aspects of the African American experience.\n\nThese sculptures invite vi ewers to examine themes of colonization\, oppression\, subjugation\, privi lege\, Black middle-class labor\, the decline of industry\, as well as Bla ck power\, pride\, and joy. NCPD@JANM supports the museum’s mission to e xamine the rights\, freedoms\, and fragility of American democracy through educational programming. Thus\, as part of its 30th Anniversary JANM welc omes this piece to the plaza and is proud to join others in our community as we fight for social justice together.\n DTSTAMP:20240609T013905Z SUMMARY:Honoring Kalief Browder URL:/en/events/2022/05/25/honoring-kalief-browder/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR