BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210227T000000Z DTEND:20210227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">$25 general\n<span style ="color: #c21313\;">$20 member</strong>\n\nIn this interactive workshop wi th cookbook author and designer\,&nbsp\;<strong>Azusa Oda</strong>\, you w ill learn how to cook&nbsp\;<em>chirashi zushi</em>&nbsp\;(sushi rice topp ed with vegetables\, egg\, and fish) in celebration of Girl&rsquo\;s Day i n Japan! Girl&rsquo\;s Day\, also known as Doll&rsquo\;s Day or&nbsp\;<em> Hinamatsuri</em>\, is celebrated on March 3rd and often involves parties w here people share this delicious and portable dish. You will be sent the i ngredient list and necessary setup in advance so you can cook along during the program.\n\n<strong>Azusa Oda</strong>&nbsp\;comes from a long line o f professional and home cooks\, and her abilities in the kitchen have been heavily influenced by growing up as her mother's unofficial sous chef. Ra ised in both Tokyo and the Bay Area of California\, she had a bicultural u pbringing that shaped the way she views Japanese culinary traditions and t echniques. She created her blog\,&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.humblebeanblog .com/" target="_blank"></a>\, in 2008 to share her conte mporary variations on simple and delicious Japanese recipes. While cooking is one of her passions\, she nurtures an equal interest in design and has an MFA from California College of the Arts. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.\n\n<a href=" nese-cookbook-for-beginners" target="_blank">Purchase her book\,&nbsp\;<em >Japanese Cookbook for Beginners: Classic and Modern Recipes Made Easy</em >\, in the JANM Store</a>.\n\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>RSVPs are require d using the link below</strong>. You will be emailed links and instruction s to join our conversation on Zoom as well as a list of ingredients if you &rsquo\;d like to follow along with the recipes during the program. Please confirm that the email that you register with is the best way to reach yo u. Contact&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;if you have any additional questions or specific access concerns. Please note that you only need to register once per device.\n\n<strong><a href=" ickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=cb75c778-6358-40a0-9e45-2494209d94a8" target="_b lank">RSVP NOW</a></strong>\n\n* * * * *\n\n<strong>HINAMATSURI COMMUNITY PHOTO ACTIVITY</strong>\n\nDiscover Nikkei is compiling photos to share it s global Nikkei community&rsquo\;s <em>Hinamatsuri</em> traditions. We wan t to see photos of your family&rsquo\;s special dolls\, foods\, and other traditional (or non-traditional) decorations and celebrations. Photos can be from past years or to share how you are finding ways to celebrate this year despite the pandemic.\n\nTo participate\, photos must be submitted wi th descriptions from now through March 12\, 2021 to <a href="mailto:editor"></a>.&nbsp\;\n\n<em><a href= "/en/nikkeialbum/albums/669/" target='_blank"'><strong></strong><strong>Cl ick here for complete submission guidelines or to view submitted photos.</ strong></a></em>\n<em><a href="/en/nikkeialbum/albums/669/" target='_blank "'><strong></strong></a></em>\n<em>Presented in collaboration with the Jap anese American Cultural &amp\; Community Center&rsquo\;s Hinamatsuri progr amming. They are offering chirashi-zushi\, cha-soba\, and origami kits for pick-up in Little Tokyo (Los Angeles) on February 27 (<a href="http://www" target="_blank">details here</a>). </em> DTSTAMP:20240610T094756Z SUMMARY:Japanese Cooking for Beginners with Azusa Oda: Chirashi zushi URL:/en/events/2021/02/27/japanese-cooking-for-beginners-with-azusa-oda-chi / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR