BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200618T000000Z DTEND:20200618T000000Z DESCRIPTION:What was it like to be gay and Japanese American decades ago? W hat is it like now?&nbsp\;\n\nOkaeri\, JANM\, and Visual Communications in vite you to listen to and participate in conversations with several genera tions of LGBTQ+ Japanese Americans as they talk about their experiences at the intersections of these identities.&nbsp\;\n\nActor and activist&nbsp\ ;<strong>George Takei</strong>&nbsp\;will be in conversation with USC stud ent&nbsp\;<strong>Justin Kawaguchi</strong>\; and&nbsp\;<strong>June Lagma y</strong>\, a founder of Asian/Pacific Lesbians and Gays\, will be in dia logue with&nbsp\;<strong>Aya Tasaki</strong>\, a bicultural advocate and o rganizer.&nbsp\;\n\nThe audience will be encouraged to take part in the di scussions with their own questions during a Q&amp\;A portion. The program will also feature short films created about Takei and Lagmay and their leg acies within the API LGTBQ+ community. Please join us for the first digita l Okaeri program and be inspired by these four Nikkei who are transforming communities to be more compassionate\, safe\, and welcoming.\n\n<strong>T his program is FREE\, but RSVPs are required using the link below.</strong >&nbsp\;You will be emailed links and instructions 24&nbsp\;hours before t he program begins in order to join our conversation on Zoom on Thursday\, June&nbsp\;18 at 6&nbsp\;p.m.&nbsp\;(PDT). Please confirm that the email t hat you register with is the best way to reach you. Contact&nbsp\;<a href= "" target="_blank"></ a>&nbsp\;if you have any additional questions or specific access needs.\n\ n<strong><a href=" mp\;txobjid=7c7b9b20-9ce4-4166-a067-af2a2793b249" target="_blank">RSVP NOW </a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240609T075753Z SUMMARY:Queer Nikkei Stories: Intergenerational Conversations URL:/en/events/2020/06/18/queer-nikkei-stories-intergenerational-conversati / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR