BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160125T000000Z DTEND:20160125T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join actor and social justice activist&nbsp\;<strong>George Tak ei</strong>&nbsp\;at the Japan Society for a conversation about his person al story and his new Broadway musical\,&nbsp\;<em>Allegiance</em>. Best kn own for his portrayal of Mr. Sulu on&nbsp\;<em>Star Trek</em>\, and more r ecently for his role as a social media mega-star\, Takei spent a large par t of his childhood behind the barbed-wire enclosures of US internment camp s. His desire to shed light on this troubling chapter of American history\ , in which some 120\,000 Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated from t heir homes to internment camps during World World II\, inspired him to dev elop&nbsp\;<em>Allegiance</em>.\n\nThe event is moderated by&nbsp\;<strong >Kermit Roosevelt</strong>\, who wrote a historical novel on the same topi c. Roosevelt is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Pen nsylvania Law School and the great-great-grandson of President Theodore Ro osevelt.<em>Followed by a reception.</em>\n&nbsp\;\n<strong>Tickets</stron g>: $20/$16 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a href=" support/individual">members</a>\, seniors &amp\; students\n\nMore informat ion <a href=" re-to-broadway">here</a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T075315Z SUMMARY:George Takei: From Barbed Wire to Broadway URL:/en/events/2016/01/25/george-takei-from-barbed-wire-to-broadway/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR