BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141115T000000Z DTEND:20141115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Are you curious about issues of identity? Do you like to hear n ew and intriguing stories? Come to the Nikkei National Museum and sit dow n with a <strong>Human <em>Hapa Book</em> </strong> for a one-on-one info rmal conversation to explore <em>hapa</em> identity. Hapa is a person with mixed race heritage with partial roots in Asian and/or Pacific Islander ancestry. You are guaranteed to be inspired and learn something new.\n \n This human library is organized in conjunction with the <a style="color: #eb4102\; font-weight: normal\; text-decoration: underline\; word-wrap: br eak-word !important\;" href=" ibit/"><em>Kip Fulbeck: part Asian\, 100% hapa</em> </a> exhibition now sh owing at the Nikkei National Museum until January 4\, 2015. We invite ever yone to participate\, but especially <em>hap</em> a of all mixes\, parents raising <em>hapa</em> children\, and youth exploring their own identity. We also encourage anyone not familiar with the term <em>hapa</em> to take out a Book to learn how mixed race people identify themselves. Confirmed b ook titles at the moment are\n\n<ul><li>Japanese Canadian Young Leader: Di scovering Heritage\, Community and Identity</li><li>An Older Hapa\, Editor and Taiko Player</li><li>Youth Engagement &amp\; Japanese Canadian Commun ity Development</li></ul>\n\nSee <a style="color: #eb4102\; font-weight: n ormal\; text-decoration: underline\; word-wrap: break-word !important\;" h ref="">website</a> on how to <em>take out</em> a Book.\n \n Concept of the Human Library\n The Huma n Library promotes community engagement by bringing people with unique li fe experiences together to have open and honest conversations. &ldquo\;Hu man Books&rdquo\; represent a host of lifestyles and experiences. Books an d Readers have the opportunity to speak personally and in private in a s tructured\, protected space within a limited time. DTSTAMP:20240520T115230Z SUMMARY:Hapa Human Library URL:/en/events/2014/11/15/hapa-human-library/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR