BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140921T000000Z DTEND:20140921T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Official event details at <a href="http://www.bealightforpeace. org/"></a>\n\nJoin Shinnyo-en with family\, friends an d an open heart\, and share your wish for a better world.\n Feel inspired by music and dance\, and float a lantern for peace.\n Add your light to th e light of others.\n\nSCHEDULE\n1-5pm Daytime Lantern Floating\n7pm Closin g Ceremony\nOn Sunday\, Sept. 21\, <a href=" .html" target="_blank">Shinnyo-en</a> invites you to join us at the second &quot\;Shinnyo Lantern Floating for Peace.&quot\; This special occasion will take place at the Paul Milstein Reflecting Pool at Hearst Plaza\, Li ncoln Center\, and is free and open to the public.\n \n The Shinnyo Lante rn Floating for Peace coincides with the International Day of Peace and t he opening of the U.N. General Assembly. Civic\, interfaith and community leaders\, along with New Yorkers and visitors of all ages\, will have an opportunity to share messages for our collective quest for peace with la ntern floating\, live music and cultural performances at one of the most iconic settings in New York City.\n \n In addition\, during this day-long \, family-friendly event\, you will can construct a paper lantern\, inscr ibe it with a personal message of peace and set it afloat on the reflecti ng pool.\n \n At sunset\, <a href=" hinso-ito.html" target="_blank">Her Holiness Shinso Ito</a> \, the head p riest of Shinnyo-en and one of the highest-ranking woman Buddhist leaders in the world\, will preside over a special closing Lantern Floating cere mony\, also open to the public. Hundreds of the LED candle-lighted paper lanterns will be floated on the water\, illuminating Hearst Plaza in a un iquely captivating visual experience in New York City.\n \n The Shinnyo L antern Floating for Peace is meant to inspire a spirit of harmony and com passion that transcends all boundaries of age\, gender\, nationality\, et hnicity\, and religious tradition - and empower people to create a strong er force for peace in our families\, our communities\, and globally. We h ope you will join us!\n\n*Lanterns provided on a first come\, first served basis. Shinnyo-en will be filming this event for documentary and archiv al purposes. Your images\, voices and creations (e.g.\, lanterns) may app ear in photographs and audiovisual recordings\, which we may broadcast la ter or distribute on websites\, in a book\, documentary film or use in an y other manner and media. By attending the event\, you grant us the right to include your image\, voice and creations in and in connection with th ese recordings.\n DTSTAMP:20240604T000633Z SUMMARY:2014 Shinnyo Lantern Floating for Peace URL:/en/events/2014/09/21/2014-shinnyo-lantern-floating-for-peace/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR