BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140802T000000Z DTEND:20140802T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Before the Museum opens to the public\, Members are invited to join Perseverance photographer/designer Kip Fulbeck and curator Takahiro K itamura on a private gallery tour as they share special insight on the exh ibition. RSVP to or 213.830.5657. 30 participants ma x.&nbsp\;\n\n<a href="/en/journal/2013/12/30/takahiro-horitaka-kitamura/"> Read an article about curator Takahiro Kitamura on Discover Nikkei&gt\;&gt \;</a>&nbsp\;\n\n<a href="/en/interviews/profiles/48/">Read about photogra pher/designer Kip Fulbeck on Discover Nikkei&gt\;&gt\;</a>&nbsp\;\n\nIn co njunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" perseverance/">Perseverance: Japanese Tattoo Tradition in a Modern World</ a>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>For more up-to-date information about this event and others\, please visit the Japanese American National Museum's we bpage:&nbsp\;<a href="">http://www.j</a></strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>****** **</strong>\n\nAll programs are free for Museum members and free with&nbsp \;<a href="">admission</a>&nbsp\;for non-members \, unless otherwise noted.<em>Events are subject to change.</em>\n\nAdvanc ed reservations are recommended for most programs as seating/space may be limited. Some programs may have separate reservation contacts. Please chec k program description.&nbsp\;<strong>When making a reservation\, email&nbs p\;<a href=""></a>&nbsp\;or call 213.625. 0414 at least 48 hours prior to the event.</strong>&nbsp\;Include the name \, date\, and time of the program\, as well as your name and the total in your party.\n\n<em><strong>NEW:</strong></em>&nbsp\;For all classes\, work shops\, and food tours\, pre-payment is now required to hold your space. P lease call 213.625.0414 or&nbsp\;<a href=" NM-publicprograms-prepayment-form.pdf">download the pre-payment form</a>. Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance or no refund will be issued .\n\n******** DTSTAMP:20240601T075351Z SUMMARY:Members' Perseverance Gallery Talk URL:/en/events/2014/08/02/members-perseverance-gallery-talk/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR