BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100808T000000Z DTEND:20100808T000000Z DESCRIPTION:There will be an itinerary to dedicate a new exhibit\, <em>Go F or Broke</em> \, at the Ellis Island Immigration. <em>Go For Broke</em> is Japanese-American Soldiers Fighting on Two Fronts outlines the Japanese- American experience in the United States with emphasis on the Japanese-Am erican soldiers in World War II and after. The exhibit will also emphasi ze the role of Japanese-American military service in influencing the Civi l Rights and Redress Movements. The exhibit will be comprised of 175 fram ed photographs\, text panels\, quotes and facsimiles of historic document s.\n\nTo see the itinerary schedule\, click <a href=" /_content/files/programs/events/Program%20Schedule%20for%20Itinerary%20for %20Go%20For%20Broke%20Exhibit.pdf">here</a> .\n\nFor information or to sch edule a visit\, you may call the Statue of Liberty National Monument at 2 12 363-3200 or visit the National Park Service&rsquo\;s website for Ellis Island at <a href=""> elis</a> . DTSTAMP:20240601T051359Z SUMMARY:Itinerary for Go For Broke Exhibit Dedication URL:/en/events/2010/08/08/itinerary-for-go-for-broke-exhibit-dedication/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR