Monthly Seniors Gathering at Okinawa Association

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  • ja
Community Event

Mar 201916
12:00p.m. - 2:00p.m.

Okinawa Association of America (OAA)
16500 South Western Avenue
Gardena, California, 90247
United States

The Okinawa Association of America (OAA) in Gardena is happy to announce a new monthly program for seniors (age 65 and over) set to begin in March. Generously supported by Keiro’s Grants Program, the OAA’s first Seniors “Surii-Jurii” Gatherings will take place on March 16th (English) and 30th (Japanese), 12 - 2 p.m. From April, the get-togethers will be scheduled for every third (English) and fourth (Japanese) Saturday of the month.

Each month, participants will engage in social activities and learn about health or Okinawan culture through short presentations. Lunch will be provided for those who register in advance.

Social isolation and loneliness are commonly experienced by older adults including retirees, widowed spouses, empty nesters, and immigrants. The goal of these bilingual luncheons is to provide a safe and consistent gathering place, opportunities to socialize with friends and meet new people, ways to keep the mind active and engaged through presentations and social activities, and a sense of community.

“Surii-jurii,” which means “gathering” in the native Okinawan language, embodies this goal as well as the cultural elements that will be brought to each function. The organizers were inspired by the lifestyles of elders in the Okinawa islands who are known for their healthy diet and eating habits (nuchigusui, “food as medicine”), daily physical and mental activity, socializing (yuntaku, “chitchat”), the spirit of mutual aid and cooperation in the community (yuimaaruu or yiimaaruu), and a sense of purpose (ichigee, “ikigai” in Japanese).

Registration is required one week prior to each gathering due to limited space and in order to order lunch boxes (priority will be given to OAA members). Monthly attendance is encouraged in order to build fellowship, but not required. Even though there are two gatherings per month, participants are encouraged to attend only one to ensure that enough seats are available for fellow attendees.

This monthly activity will take place at the OAA Center’s Yamauchi Building, 16500 South Western Avenue, Gardena 90247. Limited on-site parking is available, but drop-off/pick-up by a family member or caregiver is encouraged. The venue will be open up to one hour prior to and one hour after the event’s scheduled time.

For more information or to register, please contact the OAA office (weekdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.):, (310) 532-1929.

The Okinawa Association of America, Inc. (OAA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving and promoting Okinawan culture in the greater Los Angeles area. Formed by Okinawan immigrants (issei) over a century ago, the OAA has grown into a multi-generational organization that hosts numerous events throughout the year including cultural lectures, performances, social gatherings, and senior-focused activities. 2019 marks the organization’s 110th anniversary. For updates about special anniversary events including a September 1 concert by the renowned Okinawan band, Begin (ビギン), please visit or







月例会は、下記のOAAセンターにて開催致します(住所:OAA Center, Yamauchi Building, 16500 South Western Avenue, Gardena, 9247)。OAAセンター建物に隣接した専用駐車場がありますが、ご家族や介護の方が車で送り迎えされることをお勧め致します。月例昼食会の会場となるお部屋は、開始時間の1時間前から終了時間の1時間後まで開いております。

電話: 310-532-1929

北米沖縄県人会(OAA)は、法規501(c)(3)が規定する非営利団体で、ロサンゼルス大都市圏全域で沖縄文化の保存と振興に寄与しています。当団体は、100年以上前に沖縄移民一世によって創設されましたが、今では複数の年代層が参加する団体に成長し、文化講演会や芸能イベント、社会的な集い、ならびに高齢者向けの活動など様々なイベントを一年を通して開催しています。本年2019年に当団体は創設110周年を迎えます。110周年を記念して特別イベントを企画中ですが、その一環として9月1日には沖縄が誇る音楽グループ、ビギン(Begin)によるコンサートも予定しております。詳しくは、下記OAAウェブサイトやフェイスブックのサイトをご覧ください。 •


josephkamiya . Última actualización Mar 06, 2019 12:45 p.m.


marzo 2019


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