Public Workshop: The Future of Tule Lake

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Sep 201319
6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Japanese American Museum of San Jose
535 North 5th Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

"The Tule Lake Unit, in rural Newell, California, preserves a landscape through which the public can discover the impact World War II had on thousands of Japanese Americans, the local community, and our understanding of civil liberties for all Americans. Visitors to Tule Lake are often surprised to discover what occurred here, and some feel a haunting and spiritual connection to this place. Many believe the power of Tule Lake rests with the historical events and personal stories that unfolded here over 70 years ago. Already, the site's designation as a National Historic Landmark is a tribute to the incredible stories of Tule Lake.

The National Park Service is dedicated to preserving the sites and stories of the past so we may continue to learn valuable lessons from them long into the future. While the historic buildings and landscape are evidence of the past, your help is needed in identifying how Tule Lake's history is relevant today and how to share this history with visitors. Breathing life into the historic structures and landscape through first-person accounts, enlightening interpretation, and improved access to the site will enable the public to more fully understand the significance of Tule Lake's history. 

As a new unit, there is no comprehensive plan for Tule Lake, and the National Park Service faces many issues and challenges for its future management. The most overarching issues are how to interpret what occurred at Tule Lake and how to ensure that visitors have meaningful experiences at Tule Lake tied to its history. In addition, planning will also address the preservation of the unit's historic features and landscapes, its internal and adjacent boundaries, and how its areas could be developed for greater public access."

Come join the public discussion over the future of Tule Lake. Your input is greatly needed and valued. For more information, visit:


SKH . Última actualización Jun 25, 2013 5:01 p.m.


septiembre 2013


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