Virtual Book Tour: A Conversation with Adam Schrager, author of "The Principled Politician"

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Feb 201024

Erin Yoshimura and Gil Asakawa of present


Join us for a conversation with Adam Schrager, author of "The Principled Politician!"

Meet Adam Schrager, the political reporter for Denver's top-rated TV news station, 9News, and the author of "The Principled Politician: The Ralph Carr Story," a biography of Ralph Carr, who was governor of Colorado when World War II broke out.

Carr opposed the U.S. government's internment of Japanese Americans during the war, and it cost him his political career. Governor Carr ultimately was proven correct for his constituional stand against the incarceration of any American citizens without cause, and the Colorado legislature voted to name a stretch of highway after him in 2008.

Adam Schrager captures Carr's colorful character and his private and public life in great detail, from documents, recordings and interviews.

"The Principled Politician" is a powerful book that reads like a novel with its evocative historical narrative and rich dialogue.

To mark the annual "Day of Remembrance" -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which cleared the way for the internment of 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, on February 19, 1942 -- we're honored to have Adam join us for a one-hour conversation!

- Erin Yoshimura and Gil Asakawa,

Visit the website to register for the teleconference >>


vkm . Última actualización Jul 09, 2010 12:14 p.m.


febrero 2010


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