BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090411T000000Z DTEND:20090418T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Hearing Voices: A Storytelling Festival</strong>\nApril 11–18\, 2009\nWashington County Libraries\, Oregon\n\nIn celebration of National Library Week everyone will be "Hearing Voices" of inspiration\, mystery and adventure at the Washington County libraries’ storytelling f estival.\n\nFor the fifth year in a row\, WCCLS will host the Hearing Voic es Storytelling Festival April 11–18. This year the festival is designed to compliment the immigrant theme of the <a href=" egon_reads/2009/index.php">Oregon Reads</a> project. The festival features three professional storytellers presenting performances for audiences ran ging from age 10 to adult.\n\nThe storytelling extravaganza kicks-off Apri l 11\, at the Tualatin Public Library. In addition\, the festival will inc lude the Tell It! Move It! workshop followed by a community-wide story swa p. Anne Penfound\, President of the Portland Storytellers Guild\, will co- host the swap.\n\nCo-sponsored by the Portland JACL.\n\nFor more informati on\, go to <a href="">Hearing Voices</ a>. DTSTAMP:20240611T170346Z SUMMARY:Storytelling Festival\, April 11-18\, 2009 -- Portland\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2009/04/11/storytelling-festival-april-11-18-2009----portlan d/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR