BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080926T000000Z DTEND:20080928T000000Z DESCRIPTION:3rd Taiko-Awakening the Spirit Retreat 2008\nSeptember 26-28\, 2008 at the Shumei International Institute in Crestone\, Colorado.\n\nWhat is Taiko drum? Why do we play? What can we learn through drumming? These are basic themes\, however\, many don't think about it profoundly. We want to provide the opportunity for Taiko drummers to share their philosophy a nd spirituality\, as well as their songs and skills- KOJI NAKAMURA\n\nThre e faculty members were members of ONDEKOZA\, the internationally famous an d pioneering taiko group. Koji Nakamura got his start in Taiko 25 years ag o learning the shime ropes from the late Tagayasu Den. Tiffany Tamaibuchi was invited to perform with Za Ondekoza in 1993 and stayed through 1996. A s a member\, she performed at Carnegie Hall in 1994. Marco Lienhard was wi th Ondekoza from 1981 to 1994. During this time\, he also studied shakuhac hi\, fue\, and nohkan and became a virtuoso solo performer.\n\nEvents star t with a concert on Friday night September 26 at Adams State College in Al amosa\, Colorado. Retreat faculty members will put on a show featuring the music of ONDEKOZA. Admission to the concert is included in tuition. Publi c tickets are available also.\n\nWe are adding instruction and demos with other instruments. In addition to being a fabulous taiko player\, Marco Li enhard is renowned for his shakuhachi and fue work. If the demand is there \, Marco will teach fue. Also\, Yukiko Matsuyama will give demonstrations of koto. Koto players in the US are even harder to find than fue players.\ n\nQuestions or comments? Get in touch with us at:\\nwww\n\nMailing Address:\n\nTaiko Spirit\n551 W. Cordova Rd.\, #547\nSanta Fe\, NM 87505\nPhone: 505-470-8554 DTSTAMP:20240602T205754Z SUMMARY:3rd Taiko-Awakening the Spirit Retreat 2008 at the Shumei Internati onal Institute URL:/en/events/2008/09/26/3rd-taiko-awakening-the-spirit-retreat/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR